Nomination paper are available in Acushnet and Fairhaven. Anyone wishing to run for office needs to tak out nomination papers, gather the proper number of signatures, and return papers by the deadline. The two towns have different election dates and different deadlines.
The Fairhaven town election will be held on Monday, April 6. Candidates for town-wide office must gather 50 certified signatures of registered voters. For Town Meeting, you must gather 10 signatures from your precinct only.
The last day to request nomination papers in Fairhaven is Wednesday, 2/12, at 5 p.m.
The last day for incumbent Town Meeting members to file written requests for re-election is Monday, 2/10, at 5 p.m.
The last day for filing all nomination papers is Friday, 2/14, at 5 p.m.
The last day to register to vote for the town election is Tuesday, 3/14, at 8 p.m. in the town clerk’s office.
In Fairhaven, polls will be open from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. Polling places in Fairhaven are: Precinct 1, Town Hall; Precincts 2 & 3, Hastings Middle School; Precinct 4, Fire Station; Precincts 5 & 6, Recreaton Center.
Outgoing officers/vacancies are: for the Selectboard, incumbent Charles K. Murphy Sr. faces challenger Keith Silvia. Both have taken out and returned papers.
On the School Committee, Pamela Kuechler and Brian Monroe are up for re-election. Both have taken out papers, Mr. Monroe has returned his, Ms. Kuechler had not by press time.
On the Board of Health, Jeannine Lopes is up for re-election. She had not taken out papers by press time, but Daniel Silvia and Michael Ristuccia have both taken out and returned papers for that seat.
In other races: for Commissioner of Trust Funds John Rogers has taken out papers for his seat; for Board of Public Works, both Cameron Durant and Brian Wotton have taken out papers for their seats, with Mr. Wotton returning his; on the Planning Board, Jeffrey Lucas and Ann Richard are up for re-electon, and Mr. Lucas has taken out papers, but Ms. Richard had not by press time; on the Housing Authority, there is one vacant seat for an unexpired term that will be on the ballot.
For Town Meeting members, all six precincts have vacant seats.
The annual town election is set for Saturday, 5/16/20. This is the first year the town will hold its elections on a Saturday.
Election Schedule
Nomination papers available on 1/3/20. The last day to take out papers is Thursday, 3/26/20, at 5 p.m.
Candidates must gather not less than FORTY-TWO (42) signatures of registered voters.
The last day to submit nomination papers to the Board of Registrars is Saturday, 3/28/20, by 5 p.m.
The last day to file an objection or withdraw nomination by filing with the Town Clerk a written request over signature which has been duly acknowledged before a Notary Public is Tuesday, 4/14/20, by 5 p.m.
The last day to register as a voter is Saturday, 4/25/20, by 8 p.m.
The election will be held on Saturday, 5/16/20. Polls will open at 8 a.m. and close at 6 p.m.
Contact the Town Clerk’s office with any questions, at 508-998-0215, 130 Main St., Parting Ways Building, Acushnet, MA 02743.
Outgoing Officers/Vacancies
Moderator, Nicholas J. Gomes; Town Clerk, Pamela A. Labonte; Selectboard, Roger A. Cabral; Assessor, Marc F. Centerizio; Board of Health, Robert Medeiros; School Committee (two seats), David Michael DeTerr, Jody J. Tavares; Commissioner of Trust Funds, William A. Krause; Planning Commissioner, Philip A. Mello; Cemetery Board, Joanne K. Cioper; Trustee of Free Public Library (two seats), Henry T. Preston, Joan M. Howland; Park Commissioner, Michael A. Matton; Housing Authority, for remainder of unexpired term ending 5/4/22, vacant; Housing Authority, Isabel M. Sousa; Tree Warden, Raymond F. Barlow.
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