By Beth David, Editor

Snowball, from the movie “The Secret Life of Pets,” manages to elude Fairhaven Animal Control Officer Terry Cripps, even though hundreds of children are helping him look for the recalcitrant bunny, at the Outdoor Movie Night on Saturday, 7/22, at Livesey Park. Mr. Cripps eventually managed to subdue the bad bunny. There were no injuries and Snowball greeted movie-goers and behaved for the rest of the night. Photo by Beth David.
Snowball from The Secret Life of Pets, Chase from Paw Patrol, and Sparky the Fire Dog all helped out the Be You Concert Tour to entertain the crowd of hundreds at Fairhaven’s Outdoor Movie Night at Livesey Park on Saturday, 7/22. Children flocked to the movie characters to have pictures taken and get hugs.
Then they all settled in to watch the Secret Life of Pets on the big 30-foot screen.
Isaac, Aiden, Savannah and Liam were getting a little anxious waiting for the show to start.
Liam said he was excited to get his picture taken with Chase.

BACK, L-R: Andrew Sears, Dominic Arexta. FRONT, L-R: Tyler Enos, Symphony Rodriguez, Ayzel Rodriquez, Larissa Monteiro, who cousins from New Bedford take a minute to pose for the local free sheet before the movie. Photo by Beth David.
Cousins Andrew Sears, Dominic Arexta, Tyler Enos, Symphony Rodriguez, Ayzel Rodriguez and Larissa Monteiro got all settled in on a blanket waiting for the movie to start.
“I love it, why wouldn’t you want to [see it again],” said Tyler, adding that he liked Snowball the best.
Symphony was not quite as enthusiastic, but said she did want to see the movie.
Last year, torrential rains broke up the party early. This year, the night went off without a hitch, if you don’t count that Snowball kept getting away Animal Control Officer Terry Cripps. The event was sponsored by North Fairhaven Improvement Association, Fairhaven Improvement Association, East Fairhaven Improvement Association, Fairhaven Rotary Club, Fairhaven Lions Club, Fairhaven Pop Warner. For more information, find Fairhaven Outdoor Movie Night on Facebook.
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Click here to download Editor Beth David’s letter to the Selectboard: NewspapersInLobbyLetter