Acushnet Lions member Mike Cioper (in water) and his son, Andrew (in the boat), start 1,000 rubber ducks on their way in the Acushnet River at the Sawmill, to travel to a spot near Acushnet’s River View Park where the first three ducks across the finish line netted cash for their “owners” on 6/23/24. Photo courtesy of Mark Lipsett.
By Beth David, Editor
The Acushnet Lions Club held their annual Duck Race on Saturday and sold almost all the 1,000 ducks. Participants paid $10 for a numbered duck, first three over the finish line got cash prizes. The ducks started at the Sawmill and floated down the Acushnet River to a spot near Acushnet’s River View Park. Spectators had a great view from New Bedford’s River’s End Park just across the water.
It was the last race for long time Duckmaster Joe Costa, who was passing the torch to Jared Alves, who is ready to take over.
Winners were Debbie Dias ($1,000); Brandon Wamboldt ($500); Tom Rossi ($200). It is one of the main fund-raisers for the Lions. See them at Apple-Peach Festival in September. All funds raised go to eye research and other Lions Club charities.

Acushnet Lions Club members pose for the local free sheet after the annual Duck Race on 6/23/24. Photo by Beth David.

The finish line is ready to capture ducks as they float from the Acushnet River at the Sawmill, to a spot near Acushnet’s River View Park where the first three ducks across the finish line netted cash for their “owners” at the annual Acushnet Lions Duck Race on 6/23/24. Photo courtesy of Bob Brown.
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