Terry Pereira, aka Yaya, and best known for her various roles with the West Island Improvement Association over the years, reached her 86th birthday in the middle of the COVID-19 pandemic, while she is pretty much being a recluse on West Island. Her friends and family arranged a drive-by, complete with fire truck leading the way, on the big day, 4/28/20.
“Friends, nieces, nephews, children, kids, grandkids and great grandkids all paraded down Balsam Street to celebrate this special lady. Happy 86th Yaya!” wrote her grandson Cameron Durant on his Facebook page.
Terry, of course, never one to miss a chance to respond, left her own message on his FB page: “What a splendid surprise…a very total one…no one ‘squealed’ at all…Usually I get some kind of a ‘vibe’ something is up…it’s a good thing I decided it being my birthday I would try to be a bit more ‘sexy’..getting out of my Walmart PJ’s…you know casual but sexy.”
She said she got a call to look outside and saw the fire truck, loads of cars, family friends, fireworks, balloons.
“Thank you All —for what you did, what you said, and who you are. You touched my heart. Take care, be safe. God Bless.”
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