Sippican Pomona Grange Celebrating 100 Years
The 100th Anniversary Celebration of Sippican Pomona Grange #31 will be held Sat. April 1st at Rochester Grange Hall, 205 Hartley Rd, Rochester, MA. Sippican Pomona is a regional Grange comprised of the following Granges: Acushnet, Dartmouth, E. Freetown, Rochester, S. Middleboro, and Westport. There will be a reception and dinner and following at 2pm a celebration for the anniversary open to the public.
Our guests President Glen Gibson of Massachusetts State Grange and President Betsy Huber, of the Nation Grange will present messages to those present. Brief histories of the area Granges will be presented by a member of that Grange, as well. A musical program by The Perrys and social hour will follow.
The Grange brings people together to build stronger communities by encouraging agriculture and environmental substainability, community service and fostering future leaders.
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