The Town of Fairhaven’s Tree Department is kick starting a new initiative to make Fairhaven an even greener and more beautiful place with “The Gift Memorial Tree Project”. With this program any resident, former resident, or Fairhaven or Tree fan can have a tree planted in honor of someone’s passing, a birthday, a graduation, or any life event one feels memorable. Or maybe just because you just like trees.
The sponsor will be asked for input as to the general location of the tree and species which is location driven. The tree will be planted the next available planting season which runs late winter to mid spring. The sponsor will also receive notice in advance of the planting so they can attend the planting and say a few words in honor of the event.
The cost per tree is about $300. Some trees are more but few are less. This pays for a 2” -2.5” caliper tree, usually 6-8 feet tall, the fertilizer, mulch, stakes, a water bag and any other planting supplies. The actual planting will be done by volunteers and the tree department. Any amount can be donated. Some is always more than none and all is appreciated.
Make checks out to “The Town of Fairhaven” and in the lower left area for description put “Gift Memorial Tree.”
Please mail to Town of Fairhaven, Attention Tree Department, 40 Center Street, Fairhaven, MA. 02719. Please include a letter with the following: Your name and address; contact information, telephone number or email; who the tree is for and what’s the occasion; some background on the person is nice but not mandatory; the general location of where you would like the tree planted. The tree department will get back to you on species selection and other details.
Once the tree is planted the sponsor will receive a certificate with the honoree’s information on it as well as the location of the tree and species. The town’s tree department will ensure care of the tree and should the planting fail it will be replaced the next planting season. Trees don’t fail often but it’s nice to know you have some kind of insurance that your tree will grow.
Thank you and be green, Don C. Collasius, Town of Fairhaven Tree warden
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