I guess I’m still a bit idealistic. I surely thought that what happened in Charlottesville, VA, and president Trump’s lukewarm response, would finally get people to understand and disavow the racist foundation of this presidency. But, no, his supporters are simply repeating his victim blaming. We are still hearing “what about” this bad thing that lefty liberals did, or “what about” that bad thing that Democrats caused.
This whaboutism is tiresome. Didn’t your mommy and daddy tell you that two wrongs don’t make a right?
We have a right to free speech in this country, but that does not mean that you get to say anything without other people saying stuff right back at you. The First Amendment is for everyone. That means that when your speech offends me, I get to tell you so. I have free speech, too.
Nazi Germany was a common enemy of the world. It still is. When people march with Nazi symbols, it does not matter why they took to the streets in the first place, not one damned bit. The moment those Nazi symbols come out, it’s over.
There is NO reason to plow a car into a crowd of people unless you actually fear for your life, which clearly was not the case in Charlottesville.
Our president did not condemn the violence in the strongest possible terms, not even close. He looked like a hostage being forced to read a statement his captors wrote.
I am tired of people attacking the person when we are trying to talk about ideas and hatred. You are supporting the hatred when you whine that liberals cherry pick. As if right-wingers don’t? We all point out the things that support our point of view. That’s normal. Can you remember normal? Can you? Will you at least try to?
We will NOT become Nazi Germany in this country. We will NOT! The collaborators need to be called out just as much as the torch-holding bigots screaming “White Power.”
This country belongs to all of us, all of us, whether your ancestors personally wrested it from the bloody palms of the Native Americans, or if you are a newly minted citizen who just took the oath.
If you buy into the “bad on both sides” baloney, if you think that it is okay to run people down because they blocked your car or used a baseball bat on it, if you are not wholly embarrassed by the response of the White House to a clear and present danger to all that we as Americans should hold dear, then you are a collaborator.
White rights? Fine. Say it, believe it if you are so gullible. I think it’s a joke, but you can say it if you must. White supremacy? No f’g way. Not for a second. I will shout you down and so will millions of like-minded Americans who know the real meaning of a “great” America.
Do not compare the fight for equal rights to white supremacists. They are not the same. Not one whit!
No one is taking anyone’s place.
We all have a right to be here. All of us. And we will not be separated. We will all live together. And you will learn to behave, or you will go to prison.
America is here for all of us
Nazi symbols have no place anywhere in the world, never again. Never again.
First They Came…
First they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out —Because I was not a Socialist.
Then they came for the Trade Unionists, and I did not speak out — Because I was not a Trade Unionist.
Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out — Because I was not a Jew.
Then they came for me — and there was no one left to speak for me.
By Pastor Martin Niemöller
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