I really was hoping that by now, everyone would be on board with the social distancing and taking this thing seriously.
But, no. People are complaining that they can’t get their nails done, their hair colored, or buy new clothes. C’mon, suck it up. This is easy compared to what our parents and grandparents went through in World War I and WWII.
And, alas, the partisans are still spewing their BS, making up stuff that this person put that in the bailout package and that one wouldn’t agree to for some absurd reason or other. Really, folks. There are serious reasons why people may not agree on a package put together by one side or the other. Do you really want to see trillions of dollars going to bail out big corporations, AGAIN? The bill should NOT give less to people who make less. This was not supposed to be a stimulus package. It was supposed to be a bailout package for regular Americans. Of course, that’s not what it is. This president only sees the economic numbers, he only sees the stock market, and job numbers. He doesn’t see people. So, of course, it had to become a stimulus package, so the most money went to the top.
I have no idea what it will end up being. As of now, it has not been voted on. They’re still wrangling the details.
A little closer to home: Please stop hoarding and panic-buying. Yes, we are all supposed to stay home (see page 3), but no one is going to round you up and throw you in jail. Governor Charlie Baker said shopping for groceries in Massachusetts is a right. Yup, he said that…a right (see page 3 for link to his remarks).
Calm down, try to think of those less fortunate than you, those who really need what they are looking for at the ONE store they are able to get to.
As New York’s Governor Andrew Cuomo said: “practice humanity.”
Yup, even New Yorkers: Tougher than anyone in the world, but genteel, too.
So, let’s take a lesson from Gov. Cuomo, and our own Gov. Baker. Ignore that boob in the White House. He’s just gonna get us all killed.
Until next week then…see ya (from a distance),
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