Well, we’re still here. How are YOU doing?
I know this whole stay-at-home thing is getting kind of old, but, really, it’s only just beginning. The peak hasn’t hit us here in Massachusetts, it’s due any day now. Yet, we still have two deaths in Fairhaven.
Our state has been pretty good about trying to get ahead of this thing. But, if the models are accurate, then the hospital system could be overwhelmed in a day. The way to beat the model? STAY HOME.
Yes, it’s okay to go to the pharmacy and the grocery store. But, don’t linger; try not to touch too much stuff; use a bacteria-killing wipe of some kind when you get back to your car. Wipe everything.
Couldn’t find hand sanitizer or wipes? Make your own.
If you have Clorox around (only Clorox), you can mix a nice little batch of bacteria-killing liquid in a jiffy.
Depending on the product, you use 1/3 cup to a 1/2 cup to a gallon of water. You can use it to wipe down any surface. Just make sure you make a new batch every day. Visit https://www.clorox.com/ for details on which product requres which amount, or call 800-227-1860.
Lots of people have found ways to make hand sanitizer using alcohol and lotion.
Meanwhile, we are still publishing and trying to deliver to as many places as we can. About half our regular stops are closed, but that still leaves about 100 that are open and taking papers. Some of the restaurants are even putting the papers in the take-out bags for us.
Our advertising is way down, of course, but I’m happy to say that many of our advertisers are still with us. Please let them know you saw their ads in the Neighb News.
And, please consider a donation if you can, so we can weather this crazy storm. Any amount is appreciated.
Until next week then…
See ya (from a distance),
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Click here to download the entire 4/16/20 issue: 04-16-20 EasterMeals