Oh geez.
Here we go again. At the Select Board meeting Mr. Silvia did not leave the room for the Town Administrator discussion. Instead, he mumbled something about a different conflict of interest.
Bob Espindola is the target of the new COI charge.
So get this…wait for it…honestly, if we didn’t have actual documents it would be hard to believe…Mr. Espindola’s sister took a job with the Council on Aging, where Anne Silvia, Keith’s wife, is the director. Her job as COA director is the reason for Keith’s conflict of interest. See page 3.
So, the fun part is (okay, two fun parts), the job is new, it was just created. Kind of interesting in this year of budget cuts and refusing part time administrative assistants and police dispatchers, we can create a new job that must be very enticing.
Ms. Silvia (surprise, surprise) did not respond to our requests asking about how the job was created, if it was posted for other town employees, etc., if the COA board was advised of it.
The second fun part is…the COA reached out to Bob’s sister; she did not apply for the job that she…say, saw on a website somewhere.
Offering Bob’s sister a job that was just created and not posted anywhere, and then your husband alleges a conflict of interest? Yeah…not suspicious at all. I’m sure it’s all just a coincidence.
These people don’t just need a babysitter, they need a timeout.
Doesn’t anyone get embarrassed anymore?
Speaking of embarrassment…read all about Gary Lavalette’s latest shenanigans at the town beach (page 16).
The School Committee promoted from within for the superintendent position (see page 6).
The bill to make the Select Board five people (oh…praytellisitreallygoingtohappen?) is advancing through the legislative process (see page 13).
And the BPW is studying the causeway to hopefully replace it someday… someday soon? (See page 4.)
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Until next week then…see ya
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