Ah, such happy, hopeful young’uns and their parents filling the air with excitement.
I love graduation.
These kids have had a weird four years to be sure. Right in the middle they had to contend with a pandemic. They got through it, though. “Resilience” was definitely a theme.
I hope you all get a fair shot at your dreams.
I hope you choose your friends well. Who you hang out with says a lot about you. How you take care of each other is important.
I hope you get jobs you like. You don’t have to like every minute of your job. That’s not possible. But, overall, you should like what you do. Find the value in it, not just for money, but for your sanity. You will spend a lot of time working. It’s important to like what you do.
And be sure to have fun. As my dear Cousin Bea likes to say: “Life is no dress rehearsal. It’s a single performance.”
And as I like to say: “Time is linear in this dimension.” You can’t go back, only forward.
So enjoy your summer. Work a little, play a lot, be excited about what is to come.
We’ve got other stuff in here, of course, including a fun little story about a five year old who took off to buy some toys…or, at least play with them. (See page 6.)
That kid has courage, crossed Route 6 by himself. He’s okay, although he might have a punishment or two to contend with.
We have a Select Board story (see page 6); and an item about honoring af fallen soldier.
But, mostly, this issue is about the graduates including lots of pictures throughout, ads with encouraging messages from parents and the community, and more.
Until next week then…see ya
Glory to Ukraine!
Glory to the Heroes!
Click here to download the entire 6/9/22 issue: 06-09-22 Grad_REV_AllColor
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