Well, it’s spring…they say. We had a brief time on Tuesday, the first full day of spring, with some spring-like weather, but it didn’t last long here along the water.
We need to stay hopeful, though, we KNOW winter can’t hold out much longer, right?
Brrr…my little dog still needs his coat.
Fairhaven is pursuing a Prop 2 1/2 override (see page 3). That should be fun, huh? First it has to pass Town Meeting, but…hey, let’s be honest. That part’s easy. Half the room will be town employees. They won’t vote against their own raises. The real test will come when it hits the townwide ballot. Then it’s up to people who aren’t getting those fat, guaranteed raises every…. EVERY…single year. Some of us are sucking wind and not too happy about it.
So, should be fun, huh?
We have some candidate statements for you (see page 12). Planning Board has an honest-to-goodness-contest. Cool, huh?
Speaking of which…
It looks like Acushnet has two contested races (see page 15).
Contested races are good. They don’t just give people a choice, they make the incumbents remind people why they got there in the first place. Elections are a fabulous thing. They give everyone a chance to get in there and make real decisions. The challenger gets to literally challenge the incumbent, make him/her explain things. And, I’ve seen quite a few upsets in my day, so, you never know.
I DO know, this paper will be available for candidates and their supporters to have their opinions heard. So, take advantage of it while you can. Until next week then…
see ya,
Glory to Ukraine!
Glory to the Heroes!
Click here to download the 3/23/23 issue: 03-23-23 Bagpiper
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