Okay, Mother Nature, I know you’re pretty independent, but it’s Memorial Day weekend, which means it’s supposed to be warming up in these parts.
Warm…dry…conducive to beach activities. You get it, right? A little cooperation, please!
Yes, Faithful Readers, it is Memorial Day weekend! That means….that means…CANNONS FIRED!
Now, I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again (and again and again, probably), if you’ve never seen the cannons fired at Fort Phoenix, you should really do your best to get there on Saturday. Details are on page 3.
It’s a spectacular site. Kabooom, doesn’t even begin to describe it.
The Fairhaven Village Militia will also be out there playing Revolutionary War soldier for both Saturday and most of Sunday. It’s lots of fun, with the open fire cooking, and tomahawk throwing and all that stuff. Every now and then someone just fires off a musket, for no apparent reason.
We also have our annual parade on Monday along Main Street, and the flag raising at the Fort (see page 3).
The parade steps off nice and early at 8:30 a.m., so that means it ends nice and early, too, so you can honor those who are no longer with us, and still have time to enjoy your day off.
It’s an old-fashioned, march-down-Main-Street parade with marching bands, the militia, fire trucks, police, and Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts and….well, you get the idea.
It’s fun thing to go to. Pick a spot along the route. If you have a little flag, take it with you and wave it as the parade goes by.
The ceremony at Riverside Cemetery is not long, but it is important. If you have kids, you should definitely get there. If you have a veteran in your family, you should definitely get there. If you just want to watch antique fire trucks go by, you should definitely get there.
Well, time to finish up.
Until next week then…see ya,
Click here to download the entire 5/25/17 issue: 05-25-17 HerringFest