Well, here we are, the last issue of the year. And, next week is Christmas.
And, after that? 2020 ends.
It’s been quite the year, hasn’t it?
This is also issue one of our 16th year. Yup, we have completed 15 years of publication. I know, I know, it’s not January. It doesn’t matter, or, at least it’s not supposed to. We publish 48 issues a year/volume. But, for some reason, there are a few years when we had 47 issues or 49. Go figure.
Anyway, the point is, we’re still here, despite the craziness of this past year and the wild changes to the news industry over the past many years.
We can’t do it without our advertisers AND our readers. The ads are just not enough. The donations from readers are not enough. But together, they get the job done. So, thank you for your past support, and please, if you like the local news we provide, please continue to donate.
This is indeed a tough year to get all warm and fuzzy about Christmas and all that goes with it, isn’t it? So many of our traditions are not possible due to the pandemic.
We’ve been pretty creative, as a lot, using our technology to stay connected, and finding other ways to keep in touch. But it’s not the same.
I for one am going to simply try to be grateful as long as I’m not totally sinking. There are so many hard stories out there now. This pandemic and the restrictions placed on businesses because of it have taken a huge toll.
So, let’s all try to remember that even if people are working and seem to be doing okay, we’re all just a little more stressed than usual, or even would be at this stressful time of year.
We’re due some snow this week. I’m going to embrace the white wonder, and not complain about the shoveling. I’m going to walk among the trees and marvel at the snow and ice on the branches.
If it rains instead, I’m going to fire up my woodstove and stay inside and watch TV and each popcorn and drink wine.
Maybe I’ll do some shopping and spend money I don’t have on stuff I don’t need.
I will try to enjoy the fact that I have no deadlines for two whole weeks.
Oops…did I fail to mention that our next issue isn’t until 1/7/21? Good bye 2020. I see you in my rearview mirror already.
Until next year then…see ya (from a distance)
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