By Beth David, Editor
Oh boy…where to begin?
I guess we can get the lighter stuff out of the way first.
This is the END of Daylight Saving time!
Bummer. Maybe it’s not so much lighter after all, huh?
So…do what the little graphic says to do and you’ll be in synch with the world around you.
Ah, harmony.
The Fairhaven Select Board had a meeting this week and they announced the departure of the Town Administrator about six months before her contract expires (see page 4). Sources tell the Neighb News that a big payout is involved. But, of course, we can’t be sure because this stuff all happens in executive session.
Have I mentioned recently that I HATE executive session?
But I do love Public Hearings, even if they are poorly run, run in a way that stifles the public, and full of drama and foolishness. This time we’re talking about Planning Board (see page 4).
Honestly, you’d think a person who chairs a board with eight members, would know that it takes five votes for something to pass.
I suppose there’s a possibility that town counsel will disagree, but I’d love to see that reasoning. I mean, some stuff is just the way it is. Little ole Fairhaven can’t just go changing that stuff around just because it didn’t go your way.
So, that really does kind of lead into my last point…the looming election.
Now, you all know by now that I’m a proud lefty-liberal. Since the rise of Trump I’ve been called all kinds of names because of my politics. I won’t repeat them here. You know what they are.
I do not, however, call Trumpers by similar names, although I do wonder and shake my head.
I just cannot believe that my fellow citizens who are Trump supporters, people I know, are really okay with the demise of our democracy. I have to believe that you all just don’t believe it. I don’t know if that’s because you have super faith in our institutions, or you just don’t understand how important the institutions are, and how important it is to have career professionals working at them: people who work from administration to administration on a non-partison basis. Which is something, by the way, that your guy wants to eliminate.
I do wonder, too, what you all learned in school about how government works. I learned that democracy is messy. It’s messy because we all get to weigh in. An administration does stuff. If enough people don’t like that stuff, then a new administration gets elected and changes stuff. It goes back and forth, with some stuff getting carried over and some stuff getting tossed out, and somehow we move forward.
We don’t elect people who are vowing to destroy everything they don’t like just because gas prices might be lower. When did it all come down to that?
I know the economy is important, but it is not all-important. We can fight about policies later, if we have a democracy. If we can keep it, as Ben Franklin said.
(Don’t argue with me about republic vs. democracy, a republic is a form of democracy…look it up.)
But…gas prices? Really? Did it ever occur to you that the big oil companies are playing you?
I learned to respect the civil servants among us. They keep things running. They keep things moving. If they are so wholly incompetent, then they need to go. There’s a way to do that without burning the house down.
Not everybody is a liar. Most of us are just doing the best we can, and we make mistakes now and then. If you’re going to call everyone a liar because of a few mistakes, then nobody believes anybody and we’re all in trouble. So, let’s start with ourselves. Let’s stop lying to ourselves. Let’s be honest.
We are not a garbage can, because immigrants are not garbage. Will you just look around you? Last I heard, it’s really hard to get people to fill certain jobs. Ask yourself: do you actually know anyone who lost a job to an immigrant? For real?
Immigrants are not driving up crime. And, can you explain to me how they are simultaneously taking all the good jobs and sucking up all the social safety net money, too? I mean really….listen to yourselves. If they’ve taken all the jobs, that means they’re working, so how are they also sitting around doing nothing collecting your hard-earned money?
I could go on, but..alas.
I do not expect to change any minds here. I simply want to be on the record, for posterity at least, saying I will not vote for someone who is proud of making women second-class citizens, and whose stock-in-trade is racism.
I mean, really, you’all wouldn’t even wear a mask or take an injection because….well…bodily integrity. Yet you’re perfectly okay with stealing a woman’s right to control her own body. Pay attention: It’s not about babies, it’s about controlling women.
But hey, gas prices, right?
For the record: I’m with her.
Until next week then, see ya,
Glory to Ukraine!
Glory to the Heroes!
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