By Beth David, Editor
Well, the local elections, might actually have a couple of contested races, even in Acushnet.
Of course, the field isn’t set yet, so things might change. Meanwhile, we can hope right? See page 14 for who took out papers in Fairhaven and Acushnet.
We had an earthquake! No, I don’t mean the Big Buffoon in Washington, DC, although his foolishness is causing big shock waves. I mean a real earthquake, from, like tectonic plates and stuff. It started in Maine and could be felt all the way to Connecticut and throughout the Cape. See page 3 for details on that.
The Fairhaven Select Board held a meeting this week (see page 4) and got their first look at the budget. It looks terrible, but apparently, we’re not supposed to panic yet. A $1.4 million deficit is not real yet. There are other numbers that have to come in before we get to panic.
We also got an update on the work New Bedford has been doing to stop the outflow into the harbor. I think we knew for months that the state has been overdoing it with the shellfish bed closures. On the other hand, the outflow situation really has to be tackled for real. See page 13 for what it’s all about.
We have four new police officers in Fairhaven. Congratulations to them all. See page 4 for info on our new officers and be sure to say “hi” if you see them out an about.
It’s Black History Month starting this weekend. See page 11 for some events coming up through the month to celebrate Black Americans. Hopefully, we’ll be getting more events as the month goes on.
There’s other stuff in here, of course. You’ll have to thumb through to find it all. While you’re doing that, please take note of who our advertisers are so you can tell them you saw their ads in the Neighb News.
Until next week then, see ya,
Glory to Ukraine!
Glory to the Heroes!
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