December 1, 2020
The month of November saw 124 new Covid 19 cases in Acushnet. Our previous monthly high was in October when 63 residents tested positive. We nearly doubled that number in the past 30 days.
The much talked about fall surge is upon us. We are moving indoors more due to the colder weather. We are mixing with people outside our immediate bubble more often. Quite frankly, we are letting our guard down.
In the spring we were obsessed with washing our hands, staying socially distanced and wearing a mask. Do we still have that same intensity or are we giving into Covid fatigue?
Acushnet has no hospitals or nursing homes to blame. This is clearly the result of community spread. We are the source of the spread. Our personal protection habits make the difference, if we are trying.
How many times have you said, or heard someone say, that it’s ok to be with certain people because “they don’t go anywhere.” Is that based on fact or is that becoming an excuse for dropping your guard? Given the current surge, we can’t be like that anymore.
We are in the middle of this long war right now. A vaccine is coming but not for a while. What we do in the next few weeks will make a huge impact, one way or the other.
November doubled October. We cannot let December do the same.
It is not my intention to preach.It is my intention to alert you to the reality of the moment and to urge you to protect yourself, your family and mine.
As a reminder, we are hosting regular community wide testing clinics at the parking lot between the schools on Middle Road. Find the Acushnet Fire & EMS Department on Facebook for upcoming dates.
Acushnet Fire Chief Kevin Gallagher
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Click here to download the entire 12/3/20 issue: 12-03-20 LightALight