FHS Honor Society Says “Thank You”
Please thank the good folks that attended the Fairhaven Holiday Fair, we appreciate their contribution to our fundraising. Our Honor Society students are putting together their annual charitable donation and that is where the money went. We pick an Acushnet and Fairhaven non-profit to receive a monetary gift.
We will continue to sell Dinner-For-Two books until the beginning of February — great for Valentine’s Day.
A call to Fairhaven High School, 508-979-4051, X5320, Paula Jardin, will get quick action and the book(s) can be picked up the same or next day, gift wrapped. Each book is $29.95, buy 3 for $89.85 and get 1 book free, pay with check or cash.
Paula Jardin, Honor Society Advisor, Fairhaven High School
Pay as you throw is another tax
Pay as you throw trash is not designed to correct lazy and selfish behavior. It is a means to redistribute my tax dollars from a service that is part of the basic service of our taxes to one that costs us more money.
It allows politicians to spend THAT money somewhere else by making the homeowner pay additional funds for this service.
If pay as you throw is truly designed to correct lazy and selfish behavior, as a previous writer suggested, then offset our taxes by that value.
That will not happen, because it is another tax hidden in pretty words and grandiose hogwash that ends up costing more money for the taxpayer.
Adam Abelha, Fairhaven
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