The Neighb News will give all candidates for townwide public office in Fairhaven and Acushnet a chance to get their message out. You may submit an article of approximately 500 words, with a picture, and we will publish at no charge before the election.
Please contact the Neighb News as soon as possible so we can plan for space allocation in the issues leading up to the election.
DEADLINE: Friday, 2/28, for Fairhaven (4/7 election); Friday, 3/28, for Acushnet (4/22 election)
Send by email (preferred) to, or by fax, 508-991-5580, or mail to 166 Dogwood St., Fairhaven, MA 02719.
Call 508-979-593 or email with questions.
Click here to download the 2/20/25 issue: 02-20-25 KoolKids
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