Fairhaven High School teacher Amanda Pedersen uses an innovative science program. Submitted photo.
Press Release
Over the span of nearly three decades, The Amgen Biotech Experience (ABE) — at no cost — has provided more than 28,000 students in Massachusetts and 600,000 students around the globe with the opportunity and tools necessary to explore science in a hands-on and empowering way. The innovative science education program enables teachers to bring biotechnology to their classrooms. ABE provides teacher professional development, curriculum materials, and research-grade equipment and supplies to secondary schools.
At Fairhaven High School, biology teacher Amanda Pedersen has reached more than 225 local students with ABE over the past four years.
“I’ve had previous students come back and tell me the Amgen labs were not only the most memorable part of biology, but that they are also doing great in their college biology labs because they have experience with the equipment and understand the technology and procedures because of ABE.”
Amanda has found particular success using the ABE program with her English-language learners (ELL) due to its hands-on design.
Through professional development, curriculum materials and research-grade equipment and supplies, ABE opens the exciting world of science to all students, galvanizing them with the experience, tools and passion needed to pursue and succeed in STEM fields.
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