By Beth David, Editor
Five petitioners left town hall disappointed on Tuesday night when the Zoning Board of Appeals failed to get a quorum.
ZBA chairperson Peter DeTerra waited for a few minutes after 6 p.m., but at some point realized it was hopeless and called off the meeting.
Of the nine members (including associate members), four showed up to the one-a-month meeting: Mr. DeTerra, board member Jaime DeSousa, and associate members Ruy daSilva and Kenneth Kendall. Absent were: Joseph Borelli, Peg Cook, Francis J. Cox, Jr., Daryl Manchester, and Alberto Silva.
The board needs five members for a quorum, and peititons require five positive votes to pass.
On the agenda was a peitition for a house that required variances, a petition for an addition that required variances, a proposed garage that required variances, a special permit for livestock raising on a lot under five acres, and two rescheduled public hearings.
The next meeting is scheduled for June 5, all hearings were continued until then.
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