Acting Fairhaven Town Clerk, Elisabeth “Lissa” Horan, announces the unofficial results of the election on 4/1/24 while candidates and supporters listen in the Banquet Room of Town Hall. Photo by Beth David.
By Beth David, Editor
Fairahven voters went to the polls on Monday, 4/1/24, to choose officials for a number of boards and to answer a ballot question.
The question asked if the town wanted to change the Town Clerk position from elected to appointed. A resounding “no,” vote came back, 1407 to 981, keeping the position elected. This means the person holding the position must live in Fairhaven and run for the office. The position is currently held by an interim clerk who will serve until the term ends in 2025. Then the position will be on the ballot.
The Select Board, which had just held a meeting before the voting ended, stayed seated in the Banquet Room to welcome the candidates. who all had a chance to address voters on camera after Acting Town Clerk Elisabeth “Lissa” Horan announced the unofficial numbers.*
In the Select Board race, which had two seats up for grabs, newcomer to elected politics, Andrew Saunders, was the top vote getter with 1324 votes, followed by Andrew Romano with 1230 votes.*

Andrew Saunders addresses the voters after winning a seat on the Fairhaven Select Board on 4/1/24. Photo by Beth David.
Mr. Saunders told voters he believed the turnout in Fairhaven was much larger than in New Bedford and other towns, with his guess being more than 20% (results were not available by press time). He said it makes our democracy better when people show up to vote.
Mr. Saunders told the Neighb News he felt “very, very happy.”
“Surprised but humbled,” said Mr. Saunders. “It’s a long process, a necessary process. I’m hopeful I’ll do a good job.”
Mr. Romano, when he had his chance at the microphone, thanked his husband Miles, and joked that Mr. Sean Powers (who is married to Select Board member Stasia Powers) will no longer be the only First Husband in Fairhaven.
It seems Mr. Romano made history by becoming the first openly gay Select Board member in Fairhaven.
He thanked Miles who, he said, often texted him to see if they still lived together.
Mr. Romano said he knocked on many doors, and worked hard to win.’
“I feel amazing,” Mr. Romano told the Neighb News a little bit later, adding he should have mentioned Jodi Duvall as the driving force behind his win. “Behind every crazy man is a crazy woman, and that is Jodi Duvall.”

Andrew Romano addresses the voters after winning a seat on the Fairhaven Select Board on 4/1/24. Photo by Beth David.
“She was my right hand,” said Mr. Romano.
Pat Carr, who sits on the elected Planning Board and the appointed Zoning Board of Appeals, came in third with 1085 votes.
“It’s been an experience, the past 30 days,” Mr. Carr told voters, adding no one ran a bad campaign. “It was all a class act,” with no mudslinging.
He said the board will be in good hands with Romano and Saunders.
He said he will remain on the Planning Board and the two boards make a good team to move the town forward.
Donna McKenna opted to run for SB instead of running for re-election to the School Committee. She came up short for SB, coming in fourth with 848 votes.
She thanked everyone to helped her in her campaign, especially those holding signs for hours in the cold. She said everyone to along on the campaign trail.
“My passion is still with the town,” said Ms. McKenna, and said she will still be involved.
JP Lemieux received 365 votes, and kept his remarks short.
He thanked the voters and said there were five great choices.

Nicole Pacheco addresses the voters after winning a seat on the Fairhaven School Committee on 4/1/24. Photo by Beth David.
The School Committee had two seats for the full term on the ballot, and one unexpired one-year term.
Colin Veitch was re-elected to his seat with 1537 votes, but was topped by Nicole Pacheco, who received 1571, and had been serving in the role as an appointed member to serve out an unexpired term. They will serve the full term. Erik Baumann came up short with 824 votes.
Brendalee Smith ran unopposed for the 1 year unexpired term, receiving 1610 votes.
Ms. Pacheco said it was not easy, but she hoped she proved to her three daughters that they can do anything if they set their mind to it. She said it was not easy for them, but she hopes the moment sticks with them.
She said she looked forward to doing amazing things with the schools.
Mr. Veitch told voters that the school committee is a great team, and he was looking forward to working with them for the next three years.
He noted that the SB will also have new members, and they were all there for the same thing.
“We’re here for the kids, for the town. It’s really the same thing,” he said to help them be able to live, work and thrive here.
Ms. Smith thanked those who voted for her, even though she was unopposed.
“I hope to stand alongside some great people on the School Committee,” she said and do some “awesome things” for our students.
She said as we say yes to our education philosophy, we get an A+ education. She said she looks forward to a fantastic year, learning and applying all the things they keep talking about.
Board of Health had two candidates for one seat, with a familiar face, Barbara Acksen beating out Sheila Dolan 1288 to 1013.
Ms. Acksen has served on the board in the past.
She told voters she was “pleased to be back on the board.”
She said she would do her best to honor her commitment to the town and to keep the board independent and take care of the health and welfare of residents.

Candidates listen as the Fairhaven Town Clerk announces the results of the election on 4/1/24 in the Banquet Room in Town Hall, including L-R: Newly elected Select Board member, Andrew Romano; re-elected Planning Board member Jessica Fidalgo; and newly elected Board of Health member, Barbara Acksen. Photo by Beth David.
The Planning Board had two full term seats on the ballot, and a one-year unexpired term.
For the full term Jessica Fidalgo was top vote getter with 1435; Diane Tomassetti came in second with 1326; incumbent Jeff Lucas came up short with 1119.
For the one year term, Richard “Rick” Trapilo won with 1003 votes, with Karyn Ferreira second with 864 votes, and Despina Longinidis with 296 votes.
Ms. Fidalgo thanked everyone for voting for her and trusting her for another four-year term. She especially thanked her mother for babysitting “all day long.”

Diane Tomassetti addresses the voters after winning a seat on the Fairhaven Planning Board on 4/1/24. Photo by Beth David.
Diane Tomassetti said she often says it takes a village, “It certainly does.”
She thanked the board for appointing her to the unexpired term, getting her started on the board, and said she was very appreciative of being elected to a full term.
She told the Neighb News a little later that she was excited. She said there is so much to do and the town has a great team with the Planning Board, Select Board and other boards.
“I think we all have a shared vision to help the town,” she said. “I think we’re on the same page.”
Mr. Trapilo said his hope for the Planning Board is that he can be a catalyst for smart growth.
He said he gives his pledge that what he ran on, “to have a safe, healthy, and prosperous town of Fairhaven is going to be my goal.”
Ms. Ferreira said she got her feet wet, and it was exciting. She said she was humbled and overwhelmed with the number of votes she got.
She said she was happy for Mr. Trapilo and he would do a great job for the town.
Visit www.FairhavenTV.com for the announcement of the results and candidate statements.
*Results are unofficial until certified.c•••
Click here to download the 04-04-24 issue: 04-04-24 Election
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