Acting Captain Daniel Dorgan speaks to the Fairhaven Select Board and the public after being chosen as Fairhaven’s next police chief at the SB meeting on 7/30/24. Photo by Beth David.
By Beth David, Editor
The Fairhaven Select Board held a special meeting on Tuesday, 7/30/24 to approve the Town Administrator’s choices for Director of Inspectional Services, and police chief.
The process to getting a police chief has run into hurdles in Fairhaven. Town Administrator Angie Lopes Ellison named then-Sgt. Daniel Dorgan as her choice at the 9/18/23 meeting, when the town believed that the department, including the chief’s position, was no longer in civil service. Ms. Ellison’s choice of Sgt. Dorgan bypassed Sgt. Matthew Botelho, who was ranked first after the promotional process using an assessment center. Because she believed the town was no longer in civil service, she did not write a “bypass letter” stating why she bypassed the top name on the list.
Sgt. Botelho appealed the choice to the Civil Service Commission and won, with the CSC requiring the town to start the process over.
This time around, with some strict guidance from CSC, the town used a screening panel, which interviewed Sgt. Botelho, and Acting Captain Dorgan, who earned that rank after being chosen in September, according to the succession plan.
SB chairperson Stasia Powers told the packed Banquet Room at Town Hall that it has been a “long and very emotional process for everyone.”
She said the worked hard to ensure a fair process and no matter the outcome, she asked people to be respectful and kind.
“These gentlemen have to continue to work together and work with us,” said Ms. Powers.
This was an opportunity for them to show the kind of great leader they will be no matter the outcome.
In a letter from Ms. Ellison to the SB,* she explains in detail why she chose Capt. Dorgan again, including that he was the unanimous choice of the panel. The panel included Tara Kohler, Superintendent of Fairhaven Schools; Fairhaven Select Board member Andrew Saunders; Matta-poisett Police Chief, Jason King.
In the letter, which Ms. Ellison read in full at the 7/30 meeting, she outlined the reasons offered by the panel for their recommendation, writing, “Dorgan shared his vision for community driven policing in the Town of Fairhaven and shepherding the Department into the future with the assistance of new technology, while ensuring the human element of policing drives the mission of the Department.”
She writes that Dorgan’s answers in the interview showed a candidate who is “open to and appreciative of collaboration and competing points of view,” and that openness is essential to developing department that can meet the needs of a diverse population.
His vision for the department is to work with the community, and he said he wants to complete a department climate assessment and a community survey to make sure the two entities have aligned interests and will have a common mission and be equally invested in solutions.
The panel asked Botelho the same questions, she writes in the letter, and he stressed “open communication,” but was “unable to provide a clear plan to address that goal.”
When asked about promoting diversity in the department, the letter states that Dorgan said he promotes equal opportunity and fairness in all aspects of his job. Botelho stated he “has not had the opportunity to promote diversity within the department, despite his more than twenty (20) years working for the Town, a substantial portion of which he worked as a Supervisor,” writes Ms. Ellison.
Her letter also contrasts the education and specific training of the two, saying Dorgan has more specific training to prepare himself for a promotion, while Botelho was “unable to point to specific training or education that could be applicable to serving as the Chief of the Department.”
The interview also a had a written component. Ms. Ellison writes that Dorgan’s answers were “more substantive, thought-out and contained measurable outcomes and tangible plans to achieve specific goals.”
Botelho’s answers were “very brief and uninformative, frequently containing the correct ‘buzz words,’ but not indicative of a true plan or vision for the Department,” writes Ms. Ellison.
Overall, the panel found Dorgan’s answers to be “robust and thoughtful,” while Botelho’s “frequently lacked detail and insight,” even when offered the chance to elaborate.
Dorgan provided the panel with detailed strategic plan, while Botelho’s presentation was “mostly a recitation of his resume — a fact pointed out by one of the panel members,” writes Ms. Ellison.
“Based on his answers and overall presentation, Dorgan presented a clear vision to move the Department forward with a plan of how he intends to achieve those goals,” writes Ms. Ellison. “In contrast, Botelho’s interview was more indicative of a police chief that would maintain the status quo without consideration for how his particular leadership will affect the future of the Department.
The board voted unanimously to approve Daniel Dorgan as the choice for police chief effective 8/10/24 and to send the bypass letter to the Civil Service Commission.
SB member Andrew Romano said he watched the interviews and did not envy those who had to make the choice.
Ms. Powers thanked Sgt. Botelho for going through the process again and said she was glad they were able to provide a fair process.
Mr. Dorgan thanked the board, the committee and the TA for giving him the opportunity to be named chief. He said he did not envy the task of the committee having to choose between two “high quality candidates.”
“I do have a vision for the direction of this department,” said Mr. Dorgan, and for what he believes the department can and will be. “I look forward to the task of leading the high caliber officers of this department into the future, as they continue to serve the citizens of the town with honor and courage.”
He also said that with the amount of change coming in the next few months, he feels the transition would be “a tough task for any department.”
But with the support of town officials and citizens, he said, “This is a test that we’re all collectively up to.”

L-R: Acting Captain Daniel Dorgan and Sgt. Matthew Botelho of the Fairhaven Police Department speak quietly outside Fairhaven Town Hall after Mr. Dorgan was chosen as the next police chief at the Select Board meeting on 7/30/24, bypassing Sgt. Botelho who is appealing to the Civil Service Commission over the appointment. Photo by Beth David.
After the meeting Sgt. Botelho told the Neighb News that the Civil Service Commission had already scheduled a bypass hearing for next week. They will decide if it is a “good bypass,” he said.
“Civil Service is the final say if the bypass is good or not,” said Sgt. Botelho, adding that he felt “confident” that Civil Service will not accept it.
“We’ll see and we’ll go from there,” said Sgt. Botelho.
As for working with Dorgan, one way or the other, Sgt. Botelho said they work together fine, and they have never had any issues between them.
“I think he understands why I did what I did,” said Sgt. Botelho. “I have more years, a better resume.”
In a phone interview Mr. Dorgan said the morale of the department is good, that it was just a “period of uncertainty that made people uneasy.”
He said there was nothing personal in the process
“It was not a decision that was ours to make,” said Acting Capt. Dorgan. “We put our best selves forward in the interview process and we put forward what we think is best for the department and the town. That’s been my whole attitude towards this. I’m just going to present what I feel is best for the Fairhaven Police Department.”
And if Civil Service disrupts the choice?
“I still love my job,” he said, adding it is about moving forward and how they can best serve the people in town and advance the department. “That’s my only focus and concern.”
Current Fairhaven police chief, Michael Myers, is retiring as of 8/10.
The interviews will be posted on the town’s website, but were not available by press time.
In another matter, the board unanimously approved Ms. Ellison’s choice of Richard Forand as Director of Inspectional Services and Building Commissioner effective 8/5.
Mr. Forand is currently the building commissioner in Somerset. He told the board he grew up in Acushnet, so he is very familiar with the area.
He told the board he looked forward to the challenge and getting started.
*The letter is available on our website (BELOW): neighbnews.com, navigate to archives, 2024, and find the 8/1/24 issue. It will also be posted on the town’s website but was not available by press time.
Click here for this week’s issue: 08-01-24 Diverseabilities
Click here for the TA’s letter choosing Dorgan for Chief: ALE Letter4Dorgan
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