By Beth David, Editor
The Fairhaven Fire Department and the Fairhaven Health Department offered free COVID19 testing to residents, just in time for Thanksgiving. The town held several testing clinics this week. On Monday, 11/16, town employees were offered testing at the Fairhaven Recreation Center, and walk-ins were also taken.
Deputy Fire Chief Todd Correia said that first one was not publicized and was mostly for employees so the department could get the kinks out of the operation.
On Saturday, 11/21, they held another clinic that was publicized. They administered 271 tests in three hours. They had 12 positives for a positivity rate of 4.42%, which is consistent with the state average.
Wait time was about 20 minutes in the early hours, but it was a mild day.
“All in all, it was a succesful clinic,” said Mr. Correia in an email.
They held another one on Monday, 11/23, and administered 211 tests. Results were not available by press time.
The town will hold another clinic on Saturday, 11/28, from 9 a.m. to noon at the Fairhaven Recreation Center, 227 Huttleston Avenue. The testing is free, and is for Fairhaven residents only. No appointment is required. (See listing on page 5.)
Mr. Correia said the town will hold clinics every Saturday at the Rec Center until the funding, which comes from FEMA and the CARES Act, is expended.
People of all ages showed up on Saturday, 11/21. Those who spoke to the Neighb News said they did not have any symptoms, but because it was free, they decided to take advantage of the opportunity. A lot of people said they were worried about infecting their family members over the Thanksgiving weekend so they decided to get tested first.
“We are in that age bracket now and it’s better to be safe then sorry,” said Connie Whelan about her and her husband, who were both tested earlier this year.
Results were available participants online within 48 hours.
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