By Beth David, Editor
The rainy weather cleared up just in time for Fairhaven to hold its annual Veterans Day Parade on 11/11/24. Veterans and other groups gathered at Benoit Square and marched to the high school for a ceremony and the raising of the Big Flag. Then the public was invited to the town hall auditorium for refreshments.
Keynote speaker was Chris Azevedo, Veteran Outreach Program Specialist at the New Bedford Veterans Center, and an Army veteran who served in Iraq and was severely wounded.
Mr. Azevedo said he was “deeply grateful” for the sacrifices that all veterans made.
For some it is a calling, or a legacy, or about security and education, or about feeling lost and needing direction.
“The military does all of those in spades giving us all a sense of purpose and connection,” he said.
In 1940, at the beginning of WWII, 9% of the US population served, and they were considered America’s Greatest Generation. Now, less than 1% of the US population serves in uniform.
“Those of you in front of me who served are part of one of the smallest, most exclusive clubs on earth: The American service person,” said Mr. Azevedo.
He got a bit emotional as he told his story, which includes three years and three deployments, including one to Iraq in Desert Storm.
He was severly injured, including a Traumatic Brain Injury, but stayed with his unit.
His said he came home a different person and sought help by the VA and other medical entities. He was given opiates for pain and “considered a non-surgical candidate.”
This led to an addiction, and the loss of his marriage and children, but he found his way out of that dark chapter of his life with the help of some “amazing people.”
“I now spend my days trying to be that hope for other veterans and families,” he said. “My goal is to aid those who served to not merely survive but thrive in every area of life.”
Mr. Azevedo also read a quote by Theodore Roosevelt about the person who counts is the one in the arena, not the critic. The one “who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat.”
He then read a poem he wrote that will be part of a book, both entitled “The Long Road Home” (see inset).
Fairhaven Veterans Services Officer, Mike Jenney, emceed, and made a few remarks, thanking a list of people, including the public for showing up.
And he reminded veterans, “This is all about you guys.”
After the speechmaking, Chad Portas and Mr. Azevedo had a bit of a bonding moment, when Mr. Portas said they were in the same unit. Mr. Portas marched with his father, Bruce, carrying the POW/MIA banner.
Chad said it was “amazing” to be there.
“There are not a lot of young veterans here,” said Chad. “It’s great to represent that segment. But really, I’m here to show support for my dad, who was 22 years in the Army.”
He said there were a lot of people lining the route, especially as they got closer to the high school, where the ceremony was.
“It was amazing to see lots of support,” he said.
Chuck “Hell on Wheels,” Cromwell rolled around in his power chair. He said he was luckier than some because he “can still walk a little.”
The program also included the raising of the Big Flag in honor of George Brownell, who organized the parade for many years; the national anthem sung by Alanna Robidoux; the invocation by Pastor Paul Wheeler; moment of silence for the fallen; the reading of the governors proclamation by Select Board Vice Chairperson Charlie Murphy; and the firing of the small cannon by the Fairhaven Village Militia.
The event will be available soon on the Fairhaven Community Media page at
The Long Road Home
By Chris ACE Azevedo
“A soldier’s journey from one war to the next”
I am love, I am hate, I am weak and I am strong,
I am Broken, and I am whole, I am the light, and I am the dark,
I am lost, and I am found, I am lowly, and yet I am up above,
I am Withdrawn and I am outgoing, I am revered, and I am despised,
I am often sought after, and I am often Shunned, I am Lost, and I am found,
I am Righteous, and I am immoral, I am detached, and I am often engaged,
I am empty, I am full, I want for nothing, yet I desire everything, I am fulfilled, and I am ever searching, I am Hot, and I am cold,
I am afraid, and I am fearless and brave, I am vindicated, and I am guilty,
I am what you made Me!
I am a Combat Veteran!
- L-R: Bruce Portas and Chad Portas carry the POW/MIA flag during the Fairhaven Veterans Day Parade on 11/11/24. Photo by Beth
- Army Veteran William Kligel gives a challenge coin to Ellie MacLane during the ceremony at Fairhaven High School after the Veterans Day Parade on 11/11/24. Photo by Beth David.
- Veteran Chuck “Hell on Wheels” Cromwell rolls along in the Fairhaven Veterans Day Parade on 11/11/24. Photo by Beth David.
- Volunteers help raise the 50’x30’ “Big Flag” at Fairhaven High School during the ceremony after the Veterans Day Parade on 11/11/24. Photo by Beth David.
- The 50’x30’ “Big Flag” flutters in the wind at Fairhaven High School on Veterans Day 11/11/24. Photo by Beth David.
- Veterans of the US Air Force carry their banner during the Fairhaven Veterans Day Parade on 11/11/24. Photo by Beth
- L-R: Sisters, Ellie and Abbey MacLane hold up challenge coins they received for displaying exceptional patriotism during the ceremony at Fairhaven High School after the Veterans Day Parade on 11/11/24. Photo by Beth David.
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