Earth day this year is on April 22, with events honoring the earth happening all around the globe. The world’s largest environmental movement, Earth Day is celebrated in nearly 192 countries. The first Earth Day was on April 22, 1970.
This year’s theme is “Protect Our Species.” The earth is facing the greatest rate of extinction since the dinosaurs, according to the Earth Day Network website. Youc an help with the campaign to educate an raise awareness about the accelerating rate of extinction.
To learn more visit
Bike Path Cleanup
Join us on Sun., 4/28, from 9 a.m. to noon, for our sixth annual volunteer clean-up of the Fairhaven Bike path. It’s great fun for the entire family! Meet behind the Fairhaven Recreation Center, 229 Huttleston Ave., Fairhaven.
We will have gloves, pickers and bags available to use. Please bring your own gloves if you have them.
All participants will be entered into a raffle to win a Stop and Shop gift card. Coffee and donuts provided by the Clean Out Crew.
Event is rain or shine, but hopefully shine. You can show up anytime after nine. Hand tools and pickers provided by operation clean sweep
Sponsored by: Clean Out Crew, Rocky’s Ace Hardware, Stop and Shop, RE/MAX Vantage
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