This aerial shot of the Douglass Tree Farm on Sconticut Neck Road in Fairhaven taken this week shows a healthy crop of Christmas trees ready for cutting this year. The annual tree sale will be held on 12/9 & 10. Photo courtesy of ML Baron.
By Beth David, Editor
The trees at Douglass Tree Farm have recovered from last year’s drought and are ready for sale. The annual Christmas tree sale, which benefits research for ALS (amyotrophic lateral sclerosis) was cancelled last year because of the drought, which caused some browning og needles.
Also known as Lou Gehrig’s Disease, ALS is a nervous system disease that weakens muscles and impacts physical function.
Since 2001, the sale has raised more than $250,000 for ALS research. According to farm owner Dick Douglass, many people give a donation in addition to the cost of the trees.
This year’s sale will be held on Saturday and Sunday, 12/9 & 10, from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m., rain or shine. The farm is at 100 Douglass Drive in Fairhaven (on Sconticut Neck Road near the West Island turn).
Volunteers will be on hand to help you cut your tree and load it onto your vehicle.
This fun, family errand has become a favorite tradition for many. Families roam the grounds of the farm looking for the perfect tree for their home.
Cut it down yourself, or have the eager volunteers do it for you.
All trees are $40 and all proceeds will go to the ALS Therapy Development Institute, a nonprofit biotech in Cambridge, Mass., focused 100 percent on ALS research.
To learn more about the ALS Therapy Development Institute, visit www.als.net
For more about the Douglass Tree sale, visit https://www.facebook.com/ Douglass-Family-ALS-Tree-Sale-228142277365873/.
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