New Year Resolutions
Dear Frankie,
All my friends talk about these days is New Year’s Resolutions. Well, almost everyone. Rufus, the park mayor, said resolutions weren’t for old dogs because they accept themselves for who they are.
Mimi had a list of resolutions long enough for a PowerPoint presentation. Darcy was working on her list but said she was seriously leaning toward a diet, and Harry was thinking about ways he could be more helpful around the house.
I don’t know if I should make any resolutions because every time I do, I never stick to them. It’s terrible not to keep a promise, especially if it is to yourself. Some days, I think I should make a resolution and try harder; other times, I think, what’s the sense of setting myself up for failure?
Dear Wilson,
It sounds like you would like to make some resolutions, but you fear you will fail again at keeping them.
Could the resolutions you made in the past be unrealistic? Let’s say you resolved to run a mile every day. A mile-a-day run would be a reasonable goal if you are fit and healthy. However, doing it every day would be unrealistic. If you missed one day because of snow, sickness, or traveling ten hours by car, you would have failed to reach your goal.
However, if you resolved to run a mile four or five times a week and missed a day or two, you would still have time to reach your goal for the week.
If you decide to take the leap and make a resolution this year, choose an attainable goal with a rate for achievement that allows some flexibility. This should improve your chances of success.
Best, Frankie
© 2025 Geneva Woodruff
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