By Beth David, Editor
The positive COVID-19 case that resulted in Fairhaven Town Hall being closed last week, turned out to be a false positive, according to a town press release.
The town received notification that the employee was the “recipient of a false positive due to a lab error,” reads the statement.
“The Town of Fairhaven received written confirmation that the affected employee was not positive for COVID-19, and was part of a batch of individuals who all received a false positive result on July 20, 2020,” reads the statement. “The employee has since tested twice and has been confirmed to be COVID-19 negative.”
Town hall reopened this week to both employees and the public, with social distancing measures and mask wearing in place.
On the statewide level, Governor Charlie Baker has instituted a mandatory 14-day quarantine, effective August 1, for international visitors, visitors from most states and residents who have traveled to most states or internationally.
Travelers have been asked to self-quarantine since late March, but now the quarantine will be mandatory. Travelers can avoid the quarantine by showing proof of a negative COVID-19 test within 72 hours of arrival.
Anoyon ewho does not comply is subject to a fine of $500/day.
Exempted from the quarantine are people coming from any of the New England states, New York, New Jersey and Hawaii.
The COVID-19 numbers are declining, and Gov. Baker said he wants to make sure visitors do not cause a spike in infections.
Other exemptions include people who commute outside the state for work or school,
Lodging operators are required to notify guests about the order.
All visitors over 18 years old are required to fill out a travel form on the state’s website at
The form outlines the requirements, and links to exemptions, the list of states, etc.
The form also requires travelers to certify that they have received a negative test, or they plan to get a test when they arrive, have taken a test they are awaiting results from, or promise to quarantine for 14 days.
To quarantine, travelers ust separate from all other people for 14 days; not be in public; stay in living quarters that have separate bathrooms for each group; access to sink with cleaning supplies; and have a way to quarantine from other household members.
As of 7/28/20, Massachusetts had 108,740 confirmed cases of COVID-19. 1,133674 people have been tested. Total confirmed deaths in Massachusetts was 8,331, with 14 being reported on 7/28.
For more information, visit
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