By Beth David, Editor
Massachusetts Governor Charlie Baker has ordered a rollback of the reopening of businesses in the state. Every community is required to go back to Phase 3, Step 1 regulations starting on Sunday, 12/13.
A spike in COVID-19 cases prompted the change.
The restrictions limit outdoor event venues and spaces to 50 people (down from 100); arcades and recreational businesses, gyms, health clubs, places of worship, office spaces and similar venues will be reduced to 40% capacity (down from 50%); outdoor theaters and performance venues will be limited to 25%, with a maximum of 50 people; people hosting more than 25 people outdoors will be required to give advance notice to their local board of health.
Indoor theaters and performance venues, higher contact recreational businesses (tramplines, laser tag, roller skating, etc.) will be required to close.
Changes in restaurants will also go into effect on Sunday. Patrons will be required to keep their masks on except when eating and drinking, instead of being allowed to remove their masks as soon as they sat at their table; a maximum of six people a table (down from 10); a 90-minute time limit on tables; food court seating in malls will be closed. Customers are encouraged to dine only with members of the same household.
In offices, employees must wear masks at their place of work when not in their own workspace and alone. Employers are encouraged to close or limit the use of break rooms. At gyms, people will need to wear masks at all times.
Visit for details.
Town Employees Test Positive
Both Acushnet and Fairhaven had to close their town halls last week due to a positive test of an employee.
The numbers
As of 12/3, Acushnet was still in the red with a total of 311 cases, 56 in the last 14 days (active), and a positive test rate of 5.29%.
Fairhaven has moved back to yellow, with 606 total cases, 100 in the last 14 days (active), and a positive test rate of 4.55%.
Visit “community-level data” to see the weekly health reports.
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