A cement barricade and plastic cones block the sidewalk on Causeway Road on 3/5/24 along the causeway to West Island to keep people off after the Fairhaven Pubic Works department discovered sink holes and cracks that are a safety hazard. Photo by Beth David.
The sidewalk along Causeway Road from Hoppy’s Landing to the other side of the opening is closed due to the discovery of several large sinkholes and breaks in the asphalt.
Fairhaven Highway Superintendent Josh Crabb said a resident called on Monday, 3/4, to report a hole in the sidewalk. Mr. Crabb found that the sidewalk was “severely undermined,” with “significant voids under the asphalt,” posing an imminent threat to public safety.
He said an engineer needs to inspect the sidewalk to decide what kind of repair needs to be made. If it is simply a matter of filling in the holes, then the job can be done by his department ratehr quickly. If the underlying structure has been compromised, the town could be looking at significant and expensive repairs.
He was scheduled to meet with the the engineer later this week.
Mr. Crabb said the recent storms may have played a role in the damage, but he can not be sure without consulting with the engineer.
Click here to download the 0307-24 issue: 03-07-24 CausewaySidewalk
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