The Choice is Clear Our November elections give us clear differences that will determine the quality of our lives in our towns, region, state, country and world for generations to come. The polarization of our two major political parties has turned off a lot of younger people. Yet they’re inheriting many wars, climate driven… [Read More]
Letter_40R impact and consequences
40R Impact and Consequences Let me say first of all I am mindful of the impact of changes and shifts in our population such as numbers, ages, and other factors. There are other factors that need to be taken into consideration when making changes in our zoning laws such as the economy, business, schools, etc.,… [Read More]
Letter BBC asks feds for help
BBC Asks for Federal Help with NB Sewer Overflows The following letter was sent to Senator Elizabeth Warren, Senator Edward Markey and Congressman William Keating: We, the undersigned 388 residents of Massachusetts and 16 other states, write to you today to urge you to secure new federal funding for the cleanup of City of New Bedford’s sewer… [Read More]
40R process is undemocratic
40R: The Fall of the Democratic Process The Town Administrator’s opening statements and directives at the October 1st TM meeting on 40R were not upholding our constitutional rights and open meeting laws. It appears the TA invented a new kind of info public meeting with her own rules. Asking the public to sit in the… [Read More]
Letter Candidates should respond for debates
Candidates Should respond to League of Women Voters The League of Women Voters of South Coast, previously known as the League of Women Voters of Marion, Mattapoisett, and Rochester, has been organizing candidate debates, forums, and meet-and-greets for over 35 years. LWVSC has scheduled a candidates’ event on October 17th at the Old Rochester Regional… [Read More]
Letter_Here we go again
Here we go again! Fairhaven continues to be in a financial box and looks for inventive ways to raise revenue. Now they wish to create a new bureaucracy by offering winter boat storage at Hoppy’s Landing. Hoppy’s Landing sits empty all winter. So what! It does not put any additional drain on scarce resources. … [Read More]
From the editor 10-03-24
By Beth David, Editor Well, one sign of fall is here: the annual Fire Department Open House, coming up this Sunday (see page 3). It’s lots of fun, with free pizza and really cool demonstrations. If it’s not too windy, they’ll even burn a little building. Now, who doesn’t love that? And it’s all completely… [Read More]
Letter_Sylvia Has Proven Record
Sylvia has proven record I met Mark Sylvia when he was elected to the Fairhaven School Committee and as a fellow Fairhaven Town Meeting Member. During his tenure as School Committee Chairperson and as Town Moderator, it became quite clear that Mark researches the issues and is well aware of the importance of having an… [Read More]
From the editor 09-26-24
By Beth David, Editor Don’t forget…the Planning Board’s special “informational meeting” is on Tuesday (see page 5). If you’re a Town Meeting member and you want more info, check it out. If you’re not a TM member but want to know what to tell your TM rep, check it out. In any case, learn about… [Read More]
Letter_Silvia Policies Benefit All
Sylvia Will Champion Policies that Benefit All I am writing to express my strong support for Mark Sylvia’s candidacy in the upcoming election, for state representative in the 10th Bristol District. As our community faces pressing challenges, we need leaders who will champion policies that benefit all residents. Mark Sylvia is that leader. Most important… [Read More]
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