NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARINGS Fairhaven Planning Board Tuesday, October 9, 2018 at 6:30 pm Banquet Room, Town Hall, 40 Center Street Fairhaven, Massachusetts 1) PLN-19-00314 Plaza Way. Special Permit application by Bohler Engineering on behalf of MCZ Realty LLC, pursuant to Zoning Bylaw Section 198-27(A)(3)(a), New construction that would require a total of five or more… [Read More]
Legal Notice: Acushnet Zoning Board of Appeals
Acushnet Zoning Board of Appeals The Zoning Board of Appeals is hereby giving notice that a meeting will be held by the Board on Tuesday, October 2nd, 2018 at 6:30 P.M. in the Town Hall Meeting Room located at 122 Main Street.. PUBLIC HEARINGS 1 Case # 2018.06.12A A continuation on the case of Mr. Ronald… [Read More]
Legal Notice: Fairhaven Conservation Commission
PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE Conservation Commission Monday, September 17, 2018 at 6:30 Banquet Room, Town Hall, 40 Center Street Fairhaven, Massachusetts 1) CON-19-004 55 Bayview Avenue Request for Determination filed by Dean Agius to install a picket fence, two walkways and landscaping beds in the front yard at the property located at 55 Bayview Avenue, Assessors Map… [Read More]
Legal Notice: Fairhaven Planning Board
PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE Fairhaven Planning Board Tuesday, September 25, 2018 at 6:30 pm Banquet Room, Town Hall, 40 Center Street Fairhaven, Massachusetts 1) PLN-19-002 24 Water Street and 7 Union Wharf Special Permit application by Kevin McLaughlin on behalf of Old South Wharf Realty LLC and Casey Boat Yard LLC, pursuant to Zoning Bylaw Sections 198-29(1)… [Read More]
Legal Notice: Fairhaven Zoning Board of Appeals
Fairhaven Zoning Board of Appeals NOTE DATE CHANGE The Fairhaven Board of Appeals will hold a Public Hearing on Monday, September 10, 2018 at 6:00 PM in the Town Hall, East Room, to consider the following petition(s): NEW PUBLIC HEARINGS: 1. Petitioner: Emanuel & Ann Marie Correia, RE: 32 Calumet Road, Plat 29B, Lots: 555, 556…. [Read More]
LEGAL NOTICE: Fairhaven Zoning Board of Appeals
Fairhaven Zoning Board of Appeals The Fairhaven Board of Appeals will hold a Public Hearing on Tuesday, September 4, 2018 at 6:00 PM in the Town Hall to consider the following petition(s): NEW PUBLIC HEARINGS: 1. Petitioner: Emanuel & Ann Marie Correia, RE: 32 Calumet Road, Plat 29B, Lots: 555, 556. Book 12493, Page 156. Variance requested… [Read More]
Legal Notice CDBG/Hedge Street
August 16, 2018 PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE OF FINDING OF NO SIGNFICANT IMPACT and NOTICE OF INTENT TO REQUEST RELEASE OF FUNDS Town of Fairhaven, 40 Center Street, Fairhaven, MA 02719 Contact Person: Charles K. Murphy, Sr., Environmental Certifying Officer Telephone: (508) 979-4023 Ext. 2 Fax: (508) 979-4079 TO ALL INTERESTED AGENCIES, GROUPS, AND PERSONS: On… [Read More]
LEGAL NOTICES: Acushnet Zoning Board of Appeals
Acushnet Zoning Board of Appeals The Zoning Board of Appeals is hereby giving notice that a meeting will be held by the Board on Tuesday, August 7, 2018 at 6:30 P.M. in the Town Hall Meeting Room located at 122 Main Street. PUBLIC HEARINGS 1 Case # 2018.06.12A A continuation on the case of Mr. Ronald… [Read More]
LEGAL NOTICE: Fairhaven Zoning Board of Appeals
Fairhaven Zoning Board of Appeals The Fairhaven Board of Appeals will hold a Public Hearing on Tuesday, August 7, 2018 at 6:00 PM in the Town Hall to consider the following petition(s): NEW PUBLIC HEARINGS: 1. Petitioner: David Armistead, RE: 5 Almond Street; Plot 43B, Lot 19, Cert#15365. Short 14’ of Required 30’ Front Setback… [Read More]
LEGAL NOTICE: Fairhaven Planning Board
PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE Fairhaven Planning Board Tuesday, August 14, 2018 at 6:30 pm Banquet Room, Town Hall, 40 Center Street Fairhaven, Massachusetts PLN-19-001 40 Sconticut Neck Road Special Permit application by Stuart J. Ryan, Jr. pursuant to Zoning Bylaw Section 198-29(2), Additions or enlargements that would require a total of five or more parking spaces, for… [Read More]
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