ACUSHNET CONSERVATION COMMISSION PUBLIC HEARING Notice is hereby given that the Acushnet Conservation Commission will hold a public hearing on Wednesday, November 30, 2022 at 6:00 p.m. in the Town Hall Meeting Room, 122 Main Street, Acushnet, Massachusetts. • Public Hearing – Stormwater – Jose S. Castelo/ Park Drive & Deep Brook Drive, Map 17,… [Read More]
Legal notice: Acushnet Snow Parking Ban
TOWN OF ACUSHNET SNOW STORM – PARKING BAN By vote of Town Meeting, parking is restricted, as follows:in water district parking allowed opposite side of hydrants, out of water district parking allowed north side of street running east and west and parking allowed on west side of streets running north and south.Violators subject to being… [Read More]
Acushnet COA enjoys some Halloween fun
The Acushnet Council on Aging held a Halloween Party on 10/31/22 at the Senior Center, with lunch catered by D&D Catering, musical entertainment featuring Dan McGowan, and lots of laughs and costumes. ••• Click here to download the entire 11/3/22 issue: 11-03-22 Horribles Support local journalism, donate to the Neighb News with PayPal
Acushnet COA holds flu clinic
On Thursday, October 27th the Acushnet Council on Aging held their second flu/COVID vaccine clinic of the season, in conjunction with Amy Berube, Pharmacist from Stop and Shop. Senior University of Massachusetts/Dartmouth nursing students were also on hand to help complete paperwork and offer free blood pressure screenings. In total, well over 40 vaccines were… [Read More]
Acushnet holds off on tax rate; hears from DEP re nitrogen
By Beth David, Editor The Acushnet Selectboard held off on voting for the FY2023 tax rate at its meeting on 10/25/22, to get more information. Principal Assessor Kelly Koska told the board that the Board of Assessors recommended changing the shift between the residential and commercial rates to 150%, up from 125%, which is the maximum… [Read More]
Gerry Bergeron recognized
The town of Acushnet honored the service of Gerard “Gerry” Bergeron for his 50 years of service to the town in a variety of capacities, at the town’s Special Town Meeting on 10/17/22. Town Moderator Les Dakin read a proclamation that he then presented to Mr. Bergeron at the beginning of STM. The proclamation recognizes… [Read More]
Acushnet Town Meeting passes all articles
By Beth David, Editor Voters passed all articles at the Acushnet Special Town Meeting (STM) on Monday, 10/17/22, most with no discussion. Article 2 totalled $44,472.57 to correct budgets in the current fiscal year. The article included taking $136,788 from the School Department’s budget to rectify an error with the school choice account. The money will… [Read More]
Legal Notice: Acushnet Tax Class. Hearing
TOWN OF ACUSHNET REAL ESTATE CLASSIFICATION HEARING In accordance with Chapter 369 of the Acts of 1982, the Board of Selectmen will hold a public hearing on the issue of allocating the local property tax among the following: residential, open space, commercial, industrial, personal property. The hearing will be held at the Acushnet Town Hall… [Read More]
Legal Notice: Acushnet ConCom
ACUSHNET CONSERVATION COMMISSION PUBLIC HEARING Notice is hereby given that the Acushnet Conservation Commission will hold a public hearing on Wednesday, October 26, 2022 at 6:00 p.m. in the Town Hall Meeting Room, 122 Main Street, Acushnet, Massachusetts. • (Public Hearing) Whelden Lane – Historic Trail A Public Hearing will be held to determine the rights… [Read More]
Acushnet faces 13 articles at STM
By Beth David, Editor Acushnet will vote on 13 articles on the warrant of the Special Town Meeting on Monday, 10/17, including an article to correct an error going back at least 10 years. The meeting is at 7 p.m at Ford Middle School. Any Acushnet registered voter may attend and vote on article. Acushnet has… [Read More]
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