The Neighb News will give all candidates for townwide public office in Acushnet a chance to get their message out. You may submit an article of approximately 500 words, with a picture, and we will publish at no charge before the election. Please contact the Neighb News as soon as possible so we can plan… [Read More]
Legal Notice: Acushnet ZBA
Acushnet Zoning Board of Appeals The Zoning Board of Appeals is hereby giving notice that a meeting will be held by the Board on Tuesday, April 18th, 2023, at 6:30 P.M. in the Town Hall Meeting Room located at 122 Main Street. The following public hearings will be held 1. Case #2023.04.18A A case of Thomas… [Read More]
Acushnet Egg Hunt
The annual Acushnet Egg Hunt is back! Join us at the Acushnet Sawmill for a community egg hunt on Easter weekend, Saturday April 8th at 4PM. See the Facbook event for a more detailed description. As always, we’re looking for some help to make this happen! Last year taught us a few ways we can… [Read More]
Woman stabbed on Carol Street in Acushnet
Acushnet Police Department Press Release On Tuesday, March 28, 2023, at approximately 11:37PM, a 911 call was received from a female who reported being stabbed on Carol Street. The suspect, a male party known to her, then fled the home into the nearby woods. On arrival, responding Acushnet Police officers found the victim conscious and… [Read More]
Acushnet election field set
By Beth David, Editor Acushnet voters go to the polls for local offices on Saturday, 5/13/23, and the field is set. There will be two contested races on the ballot, with Eric Chew challenging incumbent, who served on the SB from 1998 to 2016. He returned to the board in 2020 and running to retain… [Read More]
Legal Notice: Acushnet Conservation Commission
ACUSHNET CONSERVATION COMMISSION PUBLIC HEARING Notice is hereby given that the Acushnet Conservation Commission will hold a public hearing on Wednesday, April 12, 2023 at 6:00 p.m. in the Conservation Office 2nd Floor, Parting Ways Building, 130 Main Street, Acushnet, Massachusetts. • Public Hearing – NOI – Nelson and Nancy Viveiros/Tripp’s WaySE 001-0581 – A… [Read More]
Legal Notice: Acushnet ZBA
Acushnet Zoning Board of Appeals The Zoning Board of Appeals is hereby giving notice that a meeting will be held by the Board on Tuesday, April 18th, 2023, at 6:30 P.M. in the Town Hall Meeting Room located at 122 Main Street. The following public hearings will be held 1. Case #2023.04.18A A case of Thomas… [Read More]
Acushnet has two contests in election
By Beth David, Editor The town of Acushnet will have two contested races on the ballot this year, with two candidates running for one seat on the Selectboard, and three candidates running for two seats on the School Committee. Eric Chew is challenging incumbent David Wojnar for a seat on the Selectboard. Mr. Wojnar served on… [Read More]
Legal Notice Acushnet Planning Board
Notice of Public Hearing Site Plan Modification-Access Road Relocation Plan Park Dr., Acushnet MA Notice is hereby given that the Acushnet Planning Board will conduct a public hearing on April 6, 2023 @ 6:30PM in the Board of Selectmen’s meeting room at Town Hall, 122 Main Street, Acushnet MA 02743. This will be a Hybrid… [Read More]
Nomination Papers
Acushnet’s local election is on Saturday, 5/13/23. Anyone who wants to run for office in Acushnet needs to take out nomination papers, have them signed by the proper number of registered voters, and return them by the deadline. Signatures need to be certified by the Town Clerk. The last day to take out nomination papers… [Read More]
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