By Beth David, Editor
The North Fairhaven Improvement Association’s annual car show at Livesey Park on Sunday, 9/20/23, drew about 150 contestants, and more stragglers who showed up after registration time; plus the people’s choice registrants, which are cars owned by club members, for a total close to 200, according to organizers.

People mill around looking at classic and antique cars in Livesey Park on Sunday, 8/20/23, for the annual car show sponsored by the North Fairhaven Improvement Association with the Legendary Street Rods car club. Photo by Beth David.
The NFIA teamed up with the Legendary Street Rods car club for the car-truck-bike show that featured awards, raffles, music, food, and more. The hundreds of cars were spread all around Livesey Park from end to end. Lots of people of all ages milled around looking at the cars and buying food from the NFIA booth.
Chuck Wingate was there showing his 1961 Chevy Corvair Greenbriar, the passenger version of the Chevy Corvair 95 van. The Greenbrier features facing seats in the back for six and can accommodate three in the long single front seat, and still has plenty of room for luggage in the back behind the seats.
Mr. Wingate said he has owned the vehicle for two years, and it took a year to restore it.
“So it’s my new toy,” he said.
He noted that the engine is in the back, and it has no radiator, it is air cooled.
“You won’t see one,” he said.
Barry Ribeiro had his 1957 Chevy 210 on hand, with a modified gas tank to keep it light for drag racing. The 3.5 gallon tank is in the trunk, and the original one has been removed lighten the load.
He usually transports the car by trailer, and 3.5 gallons is enough to get around the track a few times.

Owner Will Garcia explains some features of his 1941 Willy’s Gasser at the annual car show sponsored by the North Fairhaven Improvement Association with the Legendary Street Rods car club on Sunday, 8/20/23. Photo by Beth David.
Will Garcia, aka Willy, was showing his 1941 “Willy’s Gasser.”
“Me and the car share the same name, spelled the same way,” said Mr. Garcia.
He said he built the all steel vehicle from the bottom up, not from a kit. It’s called a gasser, he said, because it’s higher in the front and has a straight axle. The design transfers the weight to the back, where the traction is.
“It’s the real deal from bumper to bumper,” said Mr. Garcia.
Find the NFIA on Facebook to see more photos. The NFIA is always looking for members. To learn more, email them at northfairhaven improvement267@ or visit https://northfairhavenimprovement assoc.weebly. com/

On display at the annual car show sponsored by the North Fairhaven Improvement Association with the Legendary Street Rods car club on Sunday, 8/20/23, this 1961 Chevy Corvair Greenbrier Van seats nine and still has plenty of room for luggage in the back. Photo by Beth David.

On display at the annual car show sponsored by the North Fairhaven Improvement Association with the Legendary Street Rods car club on Sunday, 8/20/23, this 1961 Chevy Corvair Greenbrier Van has facing seats in the back with room for three in the front to accommodate nine passengers, and still has plenty of room for luggage in the back. Photo by Beth David.

On display at the annual car show sponsored by the North Fairhaven Improvement Association with the Legendary Street Rods car club on Sunday, 8/20/23, this classic 1960’s era American Motors Rambler is outfitted for a road trip. Photo by Beth David.
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