Fairhaven Firefighters responded to an automobile fire at Approximately 2:20 p.m. on 7/28/18 on the corner of Hedge and Main Streets. The fully engulfed 204 Lincoln LS even gave off a few small explosions as it burned.
The vehicle was empty and parked on Hedge Street when it caught fire. There were no reported injuries.
Deputy Fire Chief Todd Correia said the explosions were just from the compressed cans for the air bags. Fairhaven called in the State police to help figure out the cause of the fire, but it is still undetermined. Mr. Correia said it could have been electrical, because it started in the passenger compartment, not in the engine or brakewell. The owner had parked the car about an hour before and found the car on fire when he returned to it. No foul play is suspected. Photos by Glenn C. Silva.
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