The 47th Annual Cape Verdean Recognition Parade, Sat., 7/6, 11 a.m., Buttonwood Pardk to Downtown NB. FREE.
This event delights the City and many visitors that annually flock to New Bedford to embrace the Cape Verdean culture, traditions and festivity. Our Parade Marshal this year, Ms. Gail Fortes, will lead the procession celebrating our pride in our heritage and our more than 150 years of presence in the region. The parade steps off from Buttonwood Park at 11 a.m. The parade route is as follows: down Union Street, turn right onto Acushnet Avenue, turn right onto Grinnell Street, then turn right onto Purchase Street. The parade will end at the reviewing stand located at the Cape Verdean Veteterans’ Memorial Hall at 561 Purchase Street. We will also have a vendor fair on Bedford Street between Acushnet Avenue and Purchase Street. Come celebrate with us!
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