These three candidates are running to fill two full term seats to the Fairhaven Planning Board.

Jessica Fidalgo is running for re-election to the Fairhaven Planning Board in the 4/1/24 election. Submitted photo.
Jessica Fidalgo
My name is Jessica Fidalgo, and I am seeking your vote for re-election to the Planning Board.
During my first term, I have actively engaged in meetings, learned from experienced senior members, and attended trainings, including those toward CPTC certifications. These experiences have equipped me with valuable knowledge of Massachusetts’ processes and laws, helping me to make well-informed decisions for the benefit of our community. Additionally, I have served on the Econmic Development Committee and recently appointed as the SRPEDD Commissioner. I am also the Chair of the Belonging Committee, President for the Wood School PTO, Secretary for the NFIA, a Rotary Club member, and currently serve as a Community Council member for the She Should Run Organization.
Having lived in Fairhaven for most of my life and being fortunate enough to buy a home here with my husband and three daughters, I understand the struggles our younger and older residents face in finding and affording housing. We are grateful to have my grandparents living with us in our busy home, allowing them to stay in the town they have called home for 50 years. Hearing their stories of “what used to be” has fueled my passion to learn and envision how we can guide the growth of our town in a thoughtful and considerate manner, preserving our neighborhood charm and green spaces. All while enhancing the aesthetic appeal, uses in our mixed-use and commercial areas, and housing shortages.
The Planning Board had developed a comprehensive Master Plan for 2040 in collaboration with the public and various town departments. A central theme for Planning & Economic Development in the Master Plan is to safeguard our green spaces, prioritize housing, and foster economic growth while preserving the character and strong sense of community within our town. Stimulating ideas and paths for new revenue growth is essential, and engaging community members as stakeholders in the process is vital.
Currently, the planning board is focusing on implementing a 40R overlay district. This initiative offers property owners the option to construct mixed-use properties within the overlay district, adhering to our design standards which can help revitalize areas suffering from oversized parking lots and a lack of vibrant atmosphere, akin to the village and downtown areas we love.
Proposed changes regarding ADUs (Accessory Dwelling Units) aim to permit their construction without the need for special permits in certain zones. ADUs offer solutions to the challenges many face in finding affordable housing in Fairhaven, facilitating multi-generational living arrangements and providing social and economic benefits. Promoting mixed-use areas in town fosters vitality and economic growth, reminiscent of historical practices. Integrating residences and small businesses encourages community engagement and showcases the potential of our town.
By encouraging economic growth and community well-being through planning initiatives and thoughtful zoning regulations, we can unlock Fairhaven’s full potential and shape a vibrant future.
As you cast your vote on April 1st, I ask for your support to continue representing and advocating for Fairhaven residents, preserving the aspects of our town that we hold most dear. Together, let’s shape a brighter tomorrow for all residents of Fairhaven.

Jeffrey Lucas is running for re-election to the Fairhaven Planning Board in the 4/1/24 election. Submitted photo.
Jeffrey Lucas
Hello, my name is Jeffrey Lucas and I am running for re-election to the Fairhaven Planning Board. I am also a member of the Community Preservation Committee, the Fairhaven Town Militia, the North Fairhaven Improvement Association, and the Friends of the Millicent Library.
As a dedicated member of the Planning Board with many years of service and a deep knowledge of our bylaws I am committed to promoting health, safety, convenience and the general welfare to the residents of Fairhaven. I believe that thoughtful planning and strategic development, with an eye toward the long term effects of my decisions are necessary to enhance the fabric of our town. I have witnessed how short sighted and expedient decisions have had a negative effect on the community.
The Planning Board plays a pivotal role in guiding the development and livability of our town. Our bylaws, which exist to protect the integrity of our community, will serve as the compass of my actions to ensure that each choice that I make is in the best interest of our town. I aspire to fostering economic growth and expand housing opportunities by attracting new businesses and supporting local entrepreneurs resulting in job creation and safe, affordable housing.
I will continue to push for the beautification of our streetscapes as parcels are redeveloped, especially along the Route 6 corridor. Proper landscaping not onlys adds aesthetic beauty and safety, it also provides environmental and health benefits plus a stronger sense of community.
As your representative on the Planning Board I will listen to your concerns, advocate for your interests, fight for the integrity of the bylaws and ensure that every decision I make reflects the values of Fairhaven residents.

Diane Tomassetti is running for the Fairhaven Planning Board in the 4/1/24 election. Submitted photo.
Diane Tomassetti
The secret of change is to focus all of your energy not on fighting the old, but on building the new. Socrates
I have been appointed by the Select Board to fill a vacated Planning Board seat and as a result I am new to the board yet not new to town politics. For a number of years, I was a voting town member of Precinct Two.
This April I seek your vote for a full-term position on the Planning Board.
I respect informed decisions, upholding high ethical standards, avoiding conflict of interest, maintaining confidentiality and complying with legal and regulatory requirements as they pertain to the purview of the Planning Board.
By carefully selecting individuals with these qualities, you, the town residents, will be positioning the future of the Planning Board for long-term success in today’s environment, present and future.
Planning for the growth and future of our town are the building blocks of progress. We must preserve what matters to Fairhaven residents so that future generations experience the majesty of our heritage while not being complacent nor self-seeking. All of this within the blueprint of official rules.
I bring to the board a diverse perspective, background and wide range of relevant experience that will be a guide in today’s dynamic landscape. I have worked with planning boards in California, Hawaii, Colorado and here in Fairhaven over a previous 20-year period. I have designed and built homes within the regulatory framework of the Fairhaven Planning Board, Zoning Board, Conservation Committee, Building Commission and FEMA to great success. The process may not be new to me yet the perspective has changed. As both a MA Realtor and Fairhaven resident I understand the regulatory aspects of determinations and rulings.
Diversity fosters creativity, innovation and better decision-making by challenging conventional thinking, bolstering regulatory requirements and reinforcing regulatory powers either by state statute or by local governing boards…know the rules, and quote them.
As your elected board member, I will encourage collaboration, respect different viewpoints, help guide strategic decision-making processes effectively and ask the all-important questions so that every resident may live in a neighborhood environment having those qualities of safety, comfort, convenience and equality within the required ordinances.
My passion is planning, designing and working towards a common goal of understanding. Your vote is your voice and I am listening!
Mahalo Nui Loa. (Thank you very much)
As for the future, your task is not to foresee it, but to enable it. Antoine de Sint Exupery.
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