These three candidates are running to fill an unexpired term which ends in 2025, on the Fairhaven Planning Board.
Karyn Ferreira
May name is Karyn Ferreira, and I’ve been a resident of the Town of Fairhaven for over 30 years, and I am writing to you (Voters of Fairhaven, Ma.) to ask for your support in the upcoming election for the Office of the Fairhaven Planning Board.
Having resided in Fairhaven for over 30 years, I have come to have a deep appreciation for our Town, and realize that I have been fortunate to be able to reside here, so much so, and to the point that I have become somewhat worried as to what direction we are going to take in the coming future, in order to ensure that Fairhaven remains a great Town to reside in.
I have for the past three years been fortunate enough to be able to give back to my community members by conducting numerous fundraisers and community endeavors, supporting local children’s and teen sports teams, such as softball, basketball, baseball, Fairhaven Road Race, and parades, as well as others.
I also serve as a board member of the Friends of Jack Foundation, and I am currently serving on the Town of Fairhaven’s Economic Development Committee.
In conclusion, I respectfully urge you to go out and VOTE, and consider using one of your votes for Karyn L. Ferreira, Fairhaven Planning Board.

Despina Longinidis is running for the Fairhaven Planning Board in the 4/1/24 election. Submitted photo.
Despina Longinidis
Laws, bylaws and constitutions are written with great care and vision.
The forefathers of Fairhaven wrote their bylaws so that when followed, they would create a fair and pleasant way for us to exist together. When followed, these bylaws help preserve the charm of Fairhaven while expanding it to stay with the times.
As I run for this one-year volunteer public service position on the Planning Board, I consciously decide to serve my community. I promise to look through requests, do my research (which includes listening to you), and to collaborate with others to reach decisions that honor the integrity of our Town’s guiding documents, the bylaws. Any changes to these documents will be made with great care, and in consideration for the intent of the founding fathers.
You may or may not know this, but as we speak, the taxpayers of Fairhaven are paying counsel to represent the present Planning and Zoning Boards in Court because these Boards with the support of some town officials, have adamantly and in their own words, “bent” the bylaws in order to approve at least 3 non eligible projects, and have also decided (again in their own words) to “change the bylaws”. Some of these members are running for the Select Board spots in this election.
The cost of counsel and the other costs that will more than likely result from losing these cases in Court are high and also avoidable, by the simple act of following the bylaws. This is what I’m promising to do so that we can be in compliance and put our tax dollars to better use.
I look forward to meeting you at the polls on April 1st.

Richard Trapilo is running for Fairhaven Planning Board in the 4/1/24 election. Submitted photo.
Richard Trapilo
As our beloved town of Fairhaven prepares to elect new leaders to guide us into the future, I am writing to share my vision and ask for your support in the upcoming election for the Fairhaven Planning Board. With a background as a business executive and entrepreneur, I bring a unique perspective and skill set that I believe will be invaluable in shaping the development and sustainability of our community.
I believe in public service and firmly hold that government can be a part of the solution rather than the problem. I bring to the Planning Board years of corporate and entrepreneurial business experience. My focus is on respecting our town’s rich coastal history, dating back to our country’s quest for independence as enshrined in the Legacy of Fort Phoenix. Our Planning Board must respect our history while looking to the future to ensure our community’s health, safety, and prosperity.
Health: We must protect our natural resources along our shoreline, in our parks, and recreational areas. Wherever possible, we should expand space in our recreational areas. It’s imperative to ensure that our water filtration system continues to support our growing population.
Safety: The town’s business and residential development must reflect our community’s core values. All individuals should have the peace of mind to nurture their families, provide quality education for their children, and ensure our seniors have a cherished space to appreciate the charm of our community.
Prosperity: The board should never hinder local businesses but rather act as a partner and ally to facilitate job growth and economic prosperity for our town. Our Town’s Master Plan, presented in 2016, must be updated to reflect emerging technology and its impact on our coastal community
Collaborative Leadership: I believe in the power of collaboration and consensus-building. I am committed to listening to the diverse voices and perspectives of Fairhaven residents, as well as working closely with fellow Planning Board members, local officials, and stakeholders to develop comprehensive and inclusive planning policies that reflect our community’s values and priorities.
Experience: MBA, BA, Massachusetts Real Estate Broker, Corporate President, Business Owner, Board Member of private and public entities, volunteer at the Town of Fairhaven Clerk’s Office, and Parishioner of Saint Joseph Parish.
I am eager to earn your trust and serve as a dedicated advocate for our beloved town. Per Mr. Keith Silvia, Fairhaven Selectman “Rick will bring solid business experience to our Planning Board.”
Vote Rick Trapilo Fairhaven Planning Board Member. Email:
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