Charles K. Murphy, Sr.
I am honored to serve this community as an INDEPENDENT leader on the Board of Selectmen and still have many more goals to accomplish. I am eager to continue to listen to the concerns of our citizens and implement an action plan wherever needed to assist the citizens of Fairhaven.
Professionally speaking, I run an organization which I started from scratch here in the Town of Fairhaven, M.O., L.I.F.E., Inc., in 1995. We now have 88 employees. This 25-year-old organization focuses on the need for teenagers and adults with disabilities to work towards achieving their highest potential in life. Additionally, I founded a Food Pantry in the year 2000 to fulfill the needs of the less fortunate. As a Licensed Therapist and a counselor for Gosnold, I am professionally trained to be a good listener and to assist others with quality results.
This background has prepared me for the numerous issues that I deal with as a Selectman.
I have a strong investment in this town and have worked hard to assist other departments in meeting and exceeding their goals. It is this teamwork that makes our government work. It is an honor to be one of the leaders of this strong Team.
I have worked to keep our taxes in check and the tax rate has decreased over the past years. I have also worked to ensure ACCOUNTABILITY in our government. This is why, for example, we have created Board Policies and Procedures to keep everything transparent. Without proper accountability, expenses can go up too fast.
One of the key functions of local government is establishing safety! Three years ago, we worked to get Stop Signs on West Island, and it was initially denied after a lengthy process. We then worked on it again and just last month, the Select Board approved the Stop Signs, as it can only be approved by our Board. Persistence can address important issues.
STRUCTURALLY, our budget is always carefully reviewed. This budget planning process initiated several years ago, has led to an improvement in our bond rating, making borrowing costs cheaper and a savings to the TAXPAYERS. These are the types of ideas we need for our future financial stability.
I am committed to this Town and take this position and its impact on people very seriously. My family history in this town has given me this example to live by. I have enormous respect for our quality of life and the concerns to all individuals in our Town and plan to continue to take in the facts and make decisions with COMPASSION and COMMON SENSE. By working together, through all departments, we can accomplish this goal! I have also been fortunate to have a very supportive family, a great campaign team who have worked so hard, and I am truly blessed to have each member in my life and our community.
As your INDEPENDENT voice, I respectfully ask for your vote on Monday April 6th
Thank you!
Keith Silvia
My name is Keith Silvia and I am running for selectman in the upcoming Town election on April 6, 2020. I have called Fairhaven my home for 40 years where I have raised my three children Dan, Meghan and Tom, with my wife, Anne Silvia. I presently hold a seat on the Board of Public Works and have previously held a seat on the Board of Appeals. Volunteerism is a quality that Anne and I have great dedication to and we have instilled this quality in the mindset of our children.
As owner of my own construction business, Keith Silvia Custom Builder, I have had the opportunity, with my son Dan, to volunteer my time, and building skills, to create the Town of Fairhaven’s Time Capsule and the display for the Veterans chair, both located at the Fairhaven Town Hall, both of which I take great pride in. My goal in life is to be able to spend my senior years in the town where I have invested so many years.
However, the direction the town has taken financially over the past few years has created realistic concerns generated by some decisions made by the present Town Officials and Administrator:
• Increased real estate taxes
• Action taken at the Town Administrator’s level of excessive spending of tax payers dollars:
• Creation of new Town positions
• Unnecessary spending of employee reimbursement mileage and Town vehicle use
• Lack of ability for the public to carry out business during Town Hall hours due to some departments being closed
• PCB dredging cleanup near residential locations
• Questions related to ongoing Union Wharf issues
These are just a few of my concerns. I am certain that without the occurrence of change at the decision making level of our town government, the financial issues this town will be facing will cause future significant financial issues to Fairhaven residents, particularly the senior population.
If you are interested in speaking with me about my concerns, please email me at and I will forward my phone number. It’s time for change and the change is in your hands.
Respectfully Submitted,
Keith Silvia
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