Patrick Carr is running for Fairhaven Select Board in the 4/1/24 election. Submitted photo.
Patrick J. Carr
Hello Fairhaven!
My name is Patrick J. Carr and I’m seeking a position on the Fairhaven Select Board.
Currently, I serve as a voting member on the Fairhaven Planning Board and the Zoning Board of Appeals, as well as the Economic Development Committee. I serve on the 40R Zoning Work Study Group and am a Town Meeting member. Through my experience serving on these boards and committees, I have been exposed to and developed a strong comprehension of the town’s by-laws.
The Select Board is charged with applying, governing, and overseeing policies and procedures within our town government. I’ve discovered that certain restrictions within some of our by-laws are antiquated and, in turn, contradict the present laws of the State of Massachusetts. As a Select Board Member, one of my focuses is to propose revisions and updates to the town’s by-laws so that our boards and committees can more effectively and lawfully serve the people of Fairhaven.
Another major priority is to reverse the deficit our town now finds itself in. I’ve been a business owner in Fairhaven for over 25 years. The skills and experience I have compiled throughout my career are transferable to serve on The Fairhaven Select Board and contribute to the deficit reversal. I am routinely tasked with estimating costs, creating proposals, developing and adhering to budgets, negotiating the sales and purchases of equipment and property, and ensuring customer satisfaction. I lead my team through effective communication, delegation, and cooperation. I regularly negotiate terms with and work alongside a vast array of personalities and people of various backgrounds, race, ethnicities and socioeconomic statuses.
I am straightforward with a common sense approach and pride myself on being open and honest in my business and local government dealings.
If you notice, The Fairhaven Town Seal reads: “Town of Fairhaven – Incorporated February 22, 1812”
Incorporated stands out to me. Although the town’s structure may differ from a private corporation, the premise is the same. Both entities generate income and incur expenses. The question I would ask is, do those expenses lead to further revenue? If not, what value do they add to our town and how can we creatively cut costs while providing the services and infrastructure that support this community?
Throughout my career, I’ve demonstrated ingenuity, resourcefulness, and flexibility, allowing me to remain fluid and viable amongst the ebbs and flows inherent within business and economics, most notably during the Great Recession and The Covid-19 Pandemic.
I’ve resided in Fairhaven for over 40 years and have a vested interest in our community. I believe Fairhaven is a good town with good people living here that deserve a government that leads with experience and common sense. I enjoy helping people and I believe there is always room for improvement.
With that said, if you are looking for an honest, straight-shooter, with practical experience as your representative, please consider voting for me for the Fairhaven Select Board on April 1.
Thank you for your consideration, Patrick J. Carr

Jean Paul “JP” Lemiuex is running for Fairhaven Select Board in the 4/1/24 election. Submitted photo.
Jean Paul “JP’ Lemieux
Hello family, friends, and neighbors of Fairhaven, My name is JeanPaul (JP) Lemieux, and I’m a candidate for one of the two open seats on the SelectBoard
As a retired member of Local 51, I served as a recording secretary for a few of those years, I know how a meeting runs and how to respect other members you’re serving with.
Fairhaven is facing many issues from trash to the TA’s lawsuit, including taxes, water & sewer, and the 2.17 million dollar deficit all on the rise. We a calm, cool, and collected decision maker to get through all these issues.
If elected, I promise nothing to anyone, but my 100% attention of where our money is going.
I want you to know why the current Board is trying to push a contract extension now, when it’s not up until April of 2025.
The time of complaining from your couch is over. It’s time to vote.
Please consider me on April 1, 2024, for SelectBoard.

Donna McKenna is running for Fairhaven Select Board in the 4/1/24 election. Submitted photo.
Donna McKenna
Hi, My Name is Donna McKenna, thank you for this opportunity to announce my running for Select-board on April 1st.
I am currently a member of the Fairhaven School Committee for the past 12 years and (SMEC) Southeastern Massachusetts Educational Collaborative board member. I have been volunteering in Fairhaven for over 25+ years with many different organizations. I have decided to now give back to the Town of Fairhaven and give opportunities to others to run for a Great School Committee Board in Fairhaven.
I am eager to continue to listen (Open Transparency) to the concerns of our Citizens and implement an action plan wherever needed in assisting our Community.
Professionally Speaking, I am employed with Stonegate Mortgage Associates as a Mortgage Broker/ Senior Advisor/Team Leader. My Financial Background and Expertise is my Biggest Strength.
I have been in the Financial/ Banking industry business world since 1986. I currently have a team of 13 individuals working with me. I work with my clients daily with budgeting their housing expense, since Investing/purchasing a home is the biggest purchase of their lives.
I do have a strong investment in the Town of Fairhaven and worked very hard to assist other committees associated with the Fairhaven School Committee and exceeding their goals in the past and would continue to do so when needed. My responsibility on the School Committee is Budget, Policies and our Superintendent. I have enjoyed my time and will truly miss them all, but I know I can bring My expertise to the Select Board if I am elected.
We need Fairhaven to be Fair to All in our Great Town. I am committed to this Town and will take this position and its impact on people very seriously. My family stands behind me and knows that I will continue to help make Fairhavenstronger and better for all. We can all work together, through all departments, we can accomplish this goal! Looking forward to serving our Town.
I respectfully ask for your Vote on Monday April 1s.
Sincerely yours, Donna LS McKenna

Andrew Romano is running for Fairhaven Select Board in the 4/1/24 election. Submitted photo.
Andrew Romano
“In his TED Talk, Simon Sinek said “Every single organization knows WHAT they do, 100%. Some know HOW they do it… but very very few people or organizations know WHY they do what they do.”
Why did I decide to enter the race for the Fairhaven Select Board? This can be answered in one word: Community. The Merriam-Webster dictionary defines community as “a group of people with a common characteristic or interest living together within a larger society.”
I was fortunate to be embraced by the Fairhaven community at a young age. My first job at the age of 14 was in sound design and videography for the Town’s Government Access Channel, where I got the chance to meet all the board and committee members. I was lucky to sit in the room, listen to the conversations and watch many great leaders that I looked up to, because they truly cared about making our town the best it could be. I am ready to be a part of those conversations.
We are facing a challenging time of divide that is being driven by a tightening budget. We all share a common goal of keeping Fairhaven affordable, without having to cut services we need and have grown accustomed to. Hard decisions are going to have to be made, and long term financial planning will need to be put in place. I am committed to working with the town to assure the BEST decisions for the entire community are being made.
At 26 years old, I represent a new generation of community members excited to have the chance to give back and be a part of Town Government. I look to bring a new level of communication and transparency to the town. I am a Small Business Owner, Award Winning Real Estate Broker, a member of the Board of Directors to the Local REALTOR Association, and a Director of Business Development at BOLD Real Estate. I am also involved in the community as President of the North Fairhaven Improvement Association, a member of Fairhaven Rotary, a Town Meeting Member and a board member of the Zoning Board of Appeals and Cable Advisory Committee. When I commit to something, I truly commit and I promise to approach the role of Select Board member with that same level of enthusiasm and commitment.
I look forward to the chance to meet you and encourage you to reach out to me to learn more about me and my ideas about the many aspects in the town. I will work hard to earn your vote. Please consider voting ROMANO for Select Board on April 1.“
Best, Andrew Romano
Candidate for Fairhaven Select Board

Andrew Saunders is running for Fairhaven Select Board in the 4/1/24 election. Submitted photo.
Andrew Saunders
Just over 9 months ago, the Town faced a budget deficit of $450,000. An override question was put to the voters which would have added another $43.00 to the average tax bill. Right or wrong, those who voted gave a loud message when the override question was defeated by a 2-to-1 margin. The School Department budget was then cut by $200,000 and the Town budget by $250,000.
The proposed FY 2025 Town budget exceeds $62mm which is a 16% reduction from last year. Even with this reduction, the Town still reportedly faces a funding shortfall of $2.1mm. Another override question would likely not succeed, so the town is faced with either imposing more cuts, figuring out ways to increase revenue (other than a property tax increase), or a combination of both. The Select Board will have a significant say in these decisions which will impact critical town services such as education, fire, police protection and the overall financial health of our town for years to come.
Fairhaven also must address the lack of affordable housing stock. It is real and creative solutions are needed. The state government will mandate solutions, so the town needs to be out-in-front early on to design the most reasonable local solution. Again, the Selectboard will have a significate impact on these policies.
Picking the right Select Board candidate is essential. Experience, practical knowledge, problem solving skills, and a reasonable temperament are what is needed to effectively craft solutions to these critically important issues. I believe I am that candidate and I ask for your vote.
My wife and I have lived in Fairhaven for over 28 years. We have 2 daughters who attended Fairhaven Schools who themselves have gone on to successful careers. I am one of eight children. My father was a local funeral director and my mother a local pediatrician.
I received a bachelor’s degree in finance from U-Mass Dartmouth and a law degree from Suffolk University. I have practiced law since 1992 with a concentration in the offshore commercial maritime industry. In 1997, I founded Saunders & Saunders where I practice with my wife, Attorney Sandra G. Saunders. I have also served as General Counsel to the New Bedford Harbor Development Commission and a large US based international offshore oil & gas service and marine construction company with over 120 vessels globally.
Aside from the practice of law, I have held 2 separate appointments to the Fairhaven Conservation Commission. I am currently undertaking a project in New Bedford to transform a former power generation station into an offshore wind shore base facility. I have been part of numerous commercial ventures and during law school, worked full time in the Massachusetts State Senate where I worked on Fairhaven related municipal issues including the preservation of 282 acres of land on West Island.
All these experiences help shape my candidacy and again I ask for your vote.
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