Roger Cabral
Roger A. Cabral
My name is Roger A. Cabral and I am running for a seat on the Acushnet Board of Selectmen in the upcoming April 3, 2017 election.
I have been a resident of the Town of Acushnet since 1994. My children both completed grades K-8 in the Acushnet Public School System and I have been an active member of this community for the past 20 years. I have held previous leadership roles on the Acushnet Finance Committee, the Acushnet Parent-Teacher Organization, the Acushnet School Building Committee and ACTION, among other local activities.
I would now like to serve this Town as a member of your Board of Selectmen and I am asking for your support. My past involvement in this community — particularly the 12 years that I spent as a member of the Finance Committee — has given me some great insight into the resources and needs of this community. My principal campaign theme and promise to Acushnet residents will be “Leadership.”
The Selectmen are elected to make decisions on behalf of the residents of this community. In electing someone to the Board, part of your decision as a voter should be which candidate can be trusted to best represent your interests.
The Board of Selectmen in Acushnet exists solely to serve the residents of this community. Being a Selectman in Acushnet is largely about taking the tax dollar resources that the residents provide and managing those resources efficiently to deliver government services for our mutual benefit. Town Government is the means through which we manage the services that we collectively pay for.
There is no “THEY” that manages our Town. Acushnet Government is supposed to be “WE”. Government in Acushnet is the result of us pooling our collective resources to pay for and provide essential services. The Board of Selectmen are entrusted to manage those resources on our behalf and to make decisions that are in the overall best interests of the residents of our community.
I love this Town and I tell people with pride that I live in Acushnet. We have a great Town with a proud history. I am confident for our future as well if we manage our resources carefully and make well considered decisions. A well-run Town is also a desirable place to live, which will help to increase or maintain our property values.
I hope that you will consider voting for me and will support my candidacy for Acushnet Selectman.
Please visit my website at www.rogercabral.com or my FaceBook Page at www.facebook.com/rogeracabral for more details.

Garry Rawcliffe
Garry Rawcliffe
To the residents of Acushnet, it is with great pride and privilege that I, Gary Rawcliffe, announce I am running for re-election to the Board of Selectmen.
It has been an interesting three years. We have hired a new Town Administrator, a new Town Accountant, a new Highway/ Water/Sewer Superintendant, and given you some stability in your water/sewer bills.
We have a new police station and a new cost efficient library which is also the blueprint for all future town projects.
Long overdue town roads have been accepted while others have finally been repaired, i.e., Main Street, Leonard Street.
Now all town departments, including the schools, are working together for the greater good of the people.
A quick look into the future shows a renegotiation of our water/sewer contract with the City of New Bedford, a renegotiation of our 10-year contract with Comcast, the possibility of Acushnet schools and Fairhaven schools regionalizing.
We are bringing the Town Hall and its website into the 21st century, and continuing with road repairs, such as Slocum Street and Hamlin Street.
Lastly and most importantly is the hiring of a new police chief. As always, it has been a pleasure to serve you and I look forward to three more years. I tuly love what I do and if you allow me to continue to do so, we will all end up in a better place.
I ask for your support and your vote on Monday, April 3rd.
Click here to download the entire 3/23/17 issue: 03-23-17 issDouglassTalk