Editor’s note: Due to the change in date of the election from 4/6 to June 8, we are publishing updated candidate statements
Charles K. Murphy, Sr.
I am honored to serve this community as an INDEPENDENT leader on the Board of Selectmen and still have many more goals to accomplish. I am eager to continue to listen to the concerns of our citizens and implement an action plan wherever needed to assist the citizens of Fairhaven. We have faced tough times and will continue to be Fairhaven Strong!
Professionally speaking, I run an organization which I started from scratch here in the Town of Fairhaven, M.O., L.I.F.E., Inc. in 1995. We now have 88 employees and continue in these tough times to keep a substantial work force. This 25-year-old organization focuses on the need for teenagers and adults with disabilities to work towards achieving their highest potential in life. Additionally, I founded a Food Pantry in the year 2000 to fulfill the needs of the less fortunate and have fed, with the assistance of the Rotary Club of Fairhaven, over 600 people per month during this trying time. As a Licensed Therapist and a counselor for Gosnold, I am professionally trained to be a good listener and to assist others with quality results. This background has prepared me for the numerous issues that I deal with as a Selectman in a new normal.
I have a strong investment in this town and have worked hard to assist other departments in meeting and exceeding their goals. It is this teamwork that makes our government work. It is an honor to be one of the leaders of this strong Team.
I have worked to keep our taxes in check and the tax rate has decreased over the past years. I have also worked to ensure ACCOUNTABILITY in our government. This is why, for example, we have created Board Policies and Procedures to keep everything transparent.
STRUCTURALLY, our budget planning process, initiated several years ago, has led to an improvement in our bond rating from A to AA+, making borrowing costs cheaper and a savings to the TAXPAYERS. These are the types of ideas we need for our future financial stability.
I am committed to this Town and take this position and its impact on people very seriously. My family history in this town has given me this example to live by. I have enormous respect for our quality of life and the concerns to all individuals in our Town and plan to continue to take in the facts and make decisions with COMPASSION and COMMON SENSE.
I have been able with my Selectmen team to delay the payments of real estate taxes and other fees to assist those hurting from the impact of the virus. By working together, through all departments, we can accomplish many goals.
I have also been fortunate to have a very supportive family, a great campaign team who have worked so hard, and I am truly blessed to have each member in my life and our community.
As your INDEPENDENT voice, I respectfully ask for your vote on Monday June 8th.
Thank you!
Keith Silvia
I hope everyone is well and safe as we are trying to cope with the difficult way of life that has a grip on us. As so many of us are forced to adapt without our jobs and school, the most difficult loss is the inability to be with family, hug a grandchild or visit a parent in a nursing care facility. But I believe we will all be stronger at the end of this ordeal.
It appears that the town election that was postponed in April, and again in May, will now take place on June 8th per agreement of the selectmen. I would like to re-introduce myself. My Name is Keith Silvia and I am running for Selectman.
As I have stated in the past, I believe the Town direction is on track to place a heavy burden on our taxpayers with projects and hires proposed by the current administration. The taxpayers, now more than ever, are going to need a representative that has nothing but the best interest of the taxpayers in mind. The taxpayers need someone who has no trouble telling the leaders of the Town “NO”. “NO” we do not need an Assistant Town Administrator at the cost of $253,000.00 for 2 people. “NO” we do not need a $40 million dollar public safety building when there are other avenues to pursue at a much less cost. “No” we do not need to divide Town hall positions then pay new employees thousands more than we paid one person. “NO” we should not give employees Town vehicles to commute back and forth from home. These actions are happening now and I don’t see anyone at the administrative level attempting to put a stop to it. I will put a stop to it. I will fight for the taxpayer. This is why I believe I am the best candidate in this selectmen race.
We as a community are in for some tough times ahead as this virus has wreaked havoc with our economy. Residents who have lost jobs will find it difficult, for a long time to come, to pay bills, mortgages, taxes and water bills. Now is not the time to add extra burden to the stressed financial situations taxpayers are faced with. Now is not the time to increase taxes for the sake of increased salaries and newly unwarranted positions of Town employees. I don’t know how my opponent feels about the new positions that the Town Administrator wants to create. I wish he would answer these questions. I know the Town Administrator has been dodging the question. He has been asked several times by Selectman Freitas, as well as some members of the Finance Committee, why he feels he needs an assistant only to respond with “now is not the time”. I think he should find the right time to explain because the taxpayers deserve an answer. They also deserve someone who will make sure every tax dollar is spent wisely!
I would like to thank all of the Fairhaven residents who agreed to put my signs on their properties. I realize this has been a long drawn out election season, now dragging into spring and lawn mowing time, and these signs may be creating an inconvenience. I appreciate your patience.
My name is Keith Silvia and I respectfully ask for your vote on June 8th.
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