Mary Macedo, Neighb News Correspondent
At its meeting on Monday, 12/11 the Fairhaven Board of Public Works hired a new heavy motor equipment operator water system maintenance man for the Water Department and discussed 2018 recycling fees.
The board first briefly discussed a Water Department grievance. BPW Chairperson Mike Ristuccia explained that the person associated with the grievance could not attend the meeting, but wrote a letter to the board.
BPW member Brian Wotton suggested that the letter not be read out loud at the meeting because it names certain people involved in the grievance, and has to do with a personnel matter that the board was scheduled to discuss during executive session.
The board voted to table the discussion for executive session.
The board then interviewed Daryl Snell for the heavy motor equipment operator water system maintenance position for the Water Department.
Mr. Snell said that he has worked for the Highway Department for seven years as a truck driver and laborer. He said he believed he can bring a lot of experience to the job.
“I’m looking for change and advancement,” Mr. Snell said.
He told the board he was aware that he must get his D3 T1 licenses and has already begun getting the course materials.
Mr. Wotton noted that Mr. Snell will need to get the first license within a year. BPW Superintendent Vinny Furtado explained that Mr. Snell must first get the D1 license and hold it for a year before going for the D2, D3 etc.
BPW board member Robert “Hoppy” Hobson explained that the job requires a lot of overtime. He also told Mr. Snell he may not be hired on the top step because the board has been having issues and grievances filed due to some employees being hired on the top step.
Mr. Snell said that the new position will be 19 cents less than his current one and he would like the board to hold it at that.
Mr. Wotton made a motion to hire Mr. Snell for the position with the pay rate to be determined by Administrative Assistant Kathy Tripp and with the stipulation that Mr. Snell get his first license within a year,
The motion passed unanimously.
In another matter the board discussed the 2018 recycling fees. Ms. Tripp explained to the board that the town is making no money from the recycling center and is using a town employee’s time there when those hours could be used elsewhere more cost effectively.
Mr. Hobson said he did not want to raise the recycling fee. He asked the other board members if they wanted to raise the fee.
Mr. Ristuccia said he was not sure.
Board member Cameron Durant said that keeping the fee low encourages people to recycle.
Mr. Wotton said he was not on either side because it was costing the town employee hours and was not making the town money. He said that no matter what the town residents will be paying, whether or not they raise the recycling stickers or raise something else, the town residents will be paying.
Mr. Wotton suggested increasing residents’ stickers by $5 and landscapers’ by $100.
Mr. Hobson explained that more than 50% of the recycling is landscapers so maybe they should double their sticker cost, but not residents’.
He made a motion to keep the 2018 recycling fees the same. The motion passed with Mr. Ristuccia abstaining from the vote.
The board was then scheduled to meet with Karen Vilandry and Al Benac about signage for Cooke Memorial Park, but neither showed up to the meeting.
Mr. Ristuccia suggested they make a motion to leave Cooke Memorial Park the way it is. Mr. Furtado said he did not think a motion should be made without Mr. Benac and Ms. Vilandry present.
Historical Commission members Gary Lavalette and Wayne Oliveira, however, were present to voice their opinions on the issue, telling the board that they believed they should use caution when changing things at the park. They also said they would like to be involved with any issues regarding the park.
Mr. Furtado explained that the park is not registered as an historical park, but the board would love their opinions on it.
Mr. Hobson said he wanted to hear from Mr. Benac and Ms. Vilandry.
The board decided to table the issue and invite Ms. Vilandry and Mr. Benac to another meeting to hear what they have to say.
Mr. Furtado also explained to the board that during executive session the board would be discussing the new candidates for the Water Department Superintendent position and at next week’s December 18th meeting the board would be interviewing the top two candidates. •••
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