By Mary Chasse, Neighb News Corespondent
At its meeting on Monday, 11/29/21, the Fairhaven Board of Public Works discussed available sewer stubs on West Island, and money for the Piping Plovers management on West Island Beach.
The board first met with David Lucio about a driveway waiver for his property on Blackburn Street. Mr. Lucio asked about cutting the curb and adding about 10 feet to his already existing 30 foot opening driveway.
Mr. Lucio explained that the curb damages his camper when he moves it in and out of the driveway.
The board saw no issues with expanding Mr. Lucio’s driveway and voted unanimously to grant the waiver.
In another matter the board discussed the Lloyd Center 2022 the Piping Plover management on West Island Town Beach.
BPW Superintendent Vinnie Furtado explained that it is a yearly program between the months of April through September. The board has to allocate money to protect the Piping Plovers that inhabit a portion of town beach.
Mr. Furtado explained that the cost is $6,613 dollars which is about 400 dollars more than last year.
Board member Cameron Durant asked if it is confirmed that the Piping Plovers will inhabit the same area of the beach. He said he knew that a few years ago the Piping Plovers used to inhabit the state side of the beach, so the state had to fund it, but for the past few years they have inhabited the town side causing the town to have to fund it.
Mr. Furtado said it was not confirmed but it is assumed they will inhabit the same area. He said in April they can verify that the birds are on the town side of the beach.
The board voted unanimously to allocate the money to the Lloyd Center.
In another matter Mr. Furtado said he talked with former Fairhaven Executive Secretary Jeff Olsuch about the West Island sewer project installed in the 1990s. Mr. Furtado said Mr. Olsuch explained the history of the project and the deal they made with the state about not exceeding 380 sewer stubs.
BPW Vice-Chairperson Robert “Hoppy” Hobson asked if Mr. Osuch gave a recommendation on what to do with the available stubs left. Mr. Hobson explained that only 378 stubs are accounted for.
Mr. Furtado said that there is only one stub left, but Mr. Osuch had the same mindset that if another resident comes to the board with the proper documentation then they can have the stub, but if they do not have the documentation then they cannot.
Mr. Furtado explained that the recent resident that came in front of the board was the only one who had had the correct documentation.
BPW Chairperson Brian Wotton said he has asked Mr. Furtado to write a letter to the state to meet to discuss the 380 stubs and if there is a way to allow more residents to tie in to the sewer. Mr. Wotton said they are waiting on a response from the state and they will not discuss allowing any more sewer stubs with any West Island residents until they have a response from the state.
Mr. Furtado said he would like for everyone to be able to tie in, but it is up to the state.
In another matter Mr. Durant informed the board that they have had a setback in the Town Administrator search. He said one of the top two candidates has dropped out, so the committee will be going back to the drawing board.
Click here to download the entire 12/9/21 issue: 12-09-21 BenoitSqSanta
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