At First Congregational Church of Fairhaven, 34 Center St., Ash Wednesday Services on Wed., 2/14, a brief service and imposition of ashes at 12:00 noon in sanctuary. Soup Supper & Communion Service at 6:30 pm in Schiller Vestry
At NOON we will have a brief 10 minute service in our sanctuary followed by imposition of ashes until 12:30. At 6:30 we will gather for a light supper of soup and bread followed by a 45 minute Communion Service in our vestry (use William St. entrance). During that service the imposition of ashes will also be offered. All are welcome. The service will be Taize style: characterized by repetitive singing of simple harmonized tunes, interspersed with readings, prayers, and periods of silence. Please plan to join us as a helpful way to begin the Lenten season.
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