Detail of the painting “Starry-eyed Egrets” by Michele Bailey.
An intriguing variety of fine art and fine craft, all created by local artists from Fairhaven, Marion, New Bedford, Westport and other nearby towns, will be on exhibit and for sale at Art On Center’s 4th Annual “Members’ Showcase” Art Fair.
See paintings in oil, watercolor, pastel, and mixed media, as well as photography and handcrafted jewelry, woodwork, stained glass, and textiles. You might find the perfect artful accent for your home, or a unique gift for that someone special.
The public is invited to the opening reception Sat., 8/6, from 1-4 p.m., at Art on Center, 15 Center St., Fairahven. The exhibit runs through the end of August. Free parking; wheelchair accessible. For info email us at info@artoncenter.org or call 774-206-1709. Art On Center is a 501(c) 3 non-profit organization.
Click to download the 8/4/16 issue: 08-04-16 TeddyBearParade