L-R: Kailey Peters, Jr. Miss Apple Peach 2023; Tori Kalisz Miss Apple Peach 2019 and Miss New Bedford 2023; Kelsey Peters, Miss Apple Peach 2023. Photo courtesy of K. Garcia Productions.
Press Release
Acushnet’s Miss Apple Peach Pageant is seeking contestants for their annual competition to be held on Friday, September 6th as the kick -off to the weekend’s Apple Peach Festival. The Miss Apple Peach Pageant began in 1980, selecting their first winner, Kara Gagnon.
After holding no pageant for a few years due to Covid, the pageant returned in 2023 and history was made when two sisters, Kelsey and Kailey Peters, became Miss Apple Peach and Jr. Miss Apple Peach respectively. They have enjoyed being active in town events and have participated in Acushnet events such as Little League Opening Day, Easter Egg Hunt, Christmas Lighting, Lions Club’s Toy Run, Halloween event, the schools’ carnival and recently volunteered at Shepherd’s Pantry.
The pageant is open to all young women from Acushnet in grades 5-12. Students in grades 5-8 will compete for the title of Jr. Miss Apple Peach and students in grades 9-12 will compete for the title of Miss Apple Peach, the winner of which will receive a $500 scholarship. In total, $1,000 will be awarded and sponsored by the Acushnet Lions Club.
There is a $30 registration fee and contestants will compete in four phases of onstage competition. No experience is required and there is no talent portion of competition.
To register or for more information, visit social media pages or email MissApplePeach@gmail.com by 8/16.

Former titleholders of the Miss Apple Peach pageant pose at last year’s pageant, 9/8/23, L-R: Marlene Kalisz ’85; Tori Kalisz ’19 and Miss New Bedford ’23; Kelsey Peters ’23; Alie Lacasse ’03; Stacy Clougherty ’00; Hailey Brightman ’17. Photo courtesy of K. Garcia Productions.
Click here for this week’s issue: 08-01-24 Diverseabilities
Click here for the TA’s letter choosing Dorgan for Chief: ALE Letter4Dorgan
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