By Beth David, Editor
One thousand rubber duckies vied for dominance on the Acushnet River to make their sponsors proud (and a little bit richer) on Sunday, 6/25.

Hundreds of rubber ducks float down the Acushnet River in the annual Acushnet Lions Club Duck Race on Sunday, 6/25. Photo by Beth David.
The ducks (and one wise-guy chicken) were tossed into the water at the Sawmill, and floated down river to River View Park, both in Acushnet. Along the way, crowds gathered at The River’s End and other good vantage points long the river.
The event raised money for the Acushnet Lions Club, and handed out cash prizes: $1,000 for first place, $500 for second and $250 for third. Lucky ducks were Steve Gadbois, Phil Adams and Mark Saucier.
First ducks reached the finish line in about an hour, but then it took some time for the little guys to find their way to the opening.
Maddos Barlow, 5, staked out a spot across the street from River’s End to watch the ducks go by, although she admitted that she would not recognize her own duck among the throng.
“It’s fun watching the ducks,” she said as she hung over the railing to get a better look.

Real ducks aren’t quite sure what to make of the orange ducks bobbing around near the finish line at River View Park. Photo by Beth David.
Downriver at the finish line, a group of live ducks interfered a tad as they checked out the new competition in the water.
In the river, three young kayaking volunteers made sure no rubber ducky was left behind. Jared Wheeler, Tyler Camboia, and Miguel Sevasin poked and prodded the recalcitrant duckies to make sure they made their way to the finish line.
Organizer Joe Costa said that he will collect the ducks and count them in the days to come. Usually, he said, they end up losing only a handful.
Find the Lions Club on Facebook for more information about upcoming events and to volunteer for next year’s race.

The winner! Duck #988 passes through the archway first, giving first prize to Steve Gadbois. Photo by Beth David.
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